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Pass Paid Family Leave [UPDATED]
We, the people of the United States, demand that Congress pass a law to give parents paid time off after their babies are born. Pass paid family leave now! #PaidLeave

About This Petition

Paid family and medical leave would give the primary caregiver 12 weeks off after the birth of their child. The United States is the only developed country in the world that doesn’t have this law. Right now, moms are not allowed to take a single day off after they deliver.

84% of Americans want this legislation passed, including over three-quarters of Republicans and Democrats. Congress – give American parents a break!

Do we have a democracy if 84% of Americans can’t get what they want? Do we have a decent, humane country if we make mothers go back to work a day after they deliver? Right now, only 24% of Americans have access to paid family and medical leave in private industry. It’s time to deliver for all parents after they deliver for all of us.

We're going to unify people across the political spectrum to get this passed because 84% of Americans support this legislation.

This petition was updated.

Posted by TYT Staff on 10/28/21
PetitionWorkers / Union Rights
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