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Fire Police Officer for Assaulting Shantel Arnold
We call on Sheriff Joseph P. Lopinto, III to fire the unnamed officer who slammed Shantel Arnold against the pavement.

We reached our goal of 10,000 signatures! On November 19, TYT called the Jefferson Parish police department to let them know about the growing support for officer Julio Alvarado to be held accountable for his actions and fired. We also asked about any updates regarding the investigation of Alvarado. The person TYT spoke with said that there are no updates, but they did confirm that the investigation is ongoing. While this is not surprising news, we are very grateful to you for signing this petition and helping to show that we stand strong against police abusing their power.

Can you get one more person to sign this petition? If everyone does that, we'll show that this incident will not be forgotten. We will not rest until justice is served. Even though the story has fallen out of the news cycle, we are not going to move on. That's how the cycle repeats. They wait for the smoke to blow over and people to get tired, but we're not going to get tired. With your help, we are going to keep fighting and keep ratcheting up the pressure until there is justice.

The officer who assaulted Shantel Arnold has now been identified as Julio Alvarado. Arnold was never charged with a crime, but the police department says that she resisted being detained by the officer and was intoxicated. There should be zero tolerance for this officer's abuse of strength and power. Police are not above the law and must be held accountable. WATCH THE UPDATE

About This Petition

On September 20, 2021, Shantel Arnold was assaulted by a Jefferson Parish, Louisiana police officer right after being assaulted by a group of neighborhood boys.

According to reports, Arnold was slammed to the ground by a group of boys, who then proceeded to strike her while she was on the ground and bystanders laughed. Her 71-year-old stepfather had to chase them away.

A police officer, who remains unnamed, then saw her walking. He told her to stop and asked what happened. She explained the assault and that she just wanted to go home. Arnold continued to walk home and, according to witnesses, the officer stopped his car, grabbed her and threw her to the ground a couple of times so violently that he ripped out some of her braids.

Arnold was treated for bruises, scratches, and a busted lip. She now has recurring headaches.

The unidentified police officer is currently under investigation.

We call on the Jefferson Parish, Louisiana Sheriff, Joseph P. Lopinto, III, to fire the unnamed police officer. This brutal attack would never be allowed in any place of work. It most definitely should not be tolerated in our police departments.



Posted by TYT Staff on 10/19/21
Dr. Rashad Richey
Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey
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