Oct 15, 2024
WATCH: Waitress Goes Full Racist After Customer Speaks Spanish
WATCH: Waitress Goes Full Racist After Customer Speaks Spanish
- 4 minutes
Here if. Why are you recording me?
Because when I said muchos gracias to you,
I said you said it's America.
No, I did not. What did you say?
I'm American. Okay.
- Meaning?
- I can't just say muchos gracias to you.
I don't know what the problem is.
And if you've got a problem, you say it.
Then maybe you guys should leave.
Because if there's a problem,
then maybe there's no problem whatsoever.
- We're having fun here.
- Apparently, there is a problem.
You have a problem with me saying that I.
Don't have no problem whatsoever.
I said muchos grass is out of,
like, I'm just, you know, I'm
just saying that out of greatness for you,
for giving me a beer.
- If you have a problem.
- And you said.
- This.
- Is America.
- And I'm not going to keep, I have.
- No issue with you whatsoever.
Like you guys to pack it up and.
Yeah. Yeah, please.
But after that, I said,
I can't believe you just said that.
Then you said, you know what?
Keep it down here. We're having fun.
- It's a pool alley.
- Please pack it up and let's go.
Are you kidding me? No I'm not.
No I'm not.
Yeah, I. Know, so this is America, right?
So we can't.
I can't say muchos grasses to you.
Are you kidding me?
Yeah. The bigotry shining through.
Okay, put up the picture for mass.
We have it's an interesting dynamic here
because we have a situation
where a term that's actually
courteous, it's courteous, it's a nicety.
It's generous, is kind. Thank you much.
Understood by everyone because we've
socialized it into the context
of the English or English language,
even though it is not English itself.
She gets upset over the nicety
because it was said in the tongue
that she understood what it meant, but she
doesn't like the fact that it is Spanish.
It's interesting, isn't it?
Because Language.
Language has offended this individual
and the language is a nice thing.
It's because of the difference
of the dialect, the the tongue,
as they would say in the ancient culture.
But to understand language
is to understand sentiment.
Language is a shadow
of sentiment in heart.
We just use language to express it.
So he's saying, thank you
very much from his heart.
That's the sentiment.
Language. That's the filter.
This filter has made her upset.
I'm glad he did what he did because it
exposed not only her innate bigotry,
because it was probably
a very reactive response,
because her bigotry is on default setting.
When he called her out for it,
it made her conscious of her bigotry
if she was not conscious of it prior,
and then she gets to make a decision.
Now that you have been called out
for your bigotry, it is no doubt
that you are conscious of the bigotry.
What do you do?
Her response to kick him out of the
restaurant is why she's on indisputable.
Could have been a great
learning moment for you, madam.
All right, Sharon. Thoughts here?
Arizona estupida tonta de mujer.
I took about six years of Spanish.
I did not retain much.
You are a stupid fool of a woman.
I wish you would have continued
to speak to her in English.
I prefer Spanglish, a little mix here.
That you're so upset and bothered.
I would love it if any indisputable fans
there everywhere
could find this establishment
and just talk to her in Spanish every day.
Yeah, there you go.
I guess they have no
Spanish speaking policy there.
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