Sep 11, 2024
Trump COMPLETELY Falls Apart After Disastrous Debate Against Harris
Former President Donald Trump blamed moderators for his poor debate performance against Vice President Kamala Harris.
- 16 minutes
I listened to Harold Ford.
I don't know what he was watching
because I think he wasn't watching
the debate that I was in yesterday.
I think we did great.
The press is so dishonest in this country.
It's amazing.
So many things I said were debunked,
totally debunked,
like Charlottesville, like, I could I have
a list of seven different things,
but I thought I did a great job.
The moderators were unfair to me,
but I think I did great.
That was the main message
that Donald Trump was sharing
with the folks over at Fox and Friends.
This is a phone call that he made
to Fox and Friends this morning as he was
reflecting on his debate performance.
Now he believes he did a great job
in last night's debate.
And he's not coping at all.
There's no cope going on,
except you're about to hear
that there's a lot of cope going on.
The former president called into Fox
and Friends just to share, honestly in my
mind, how much he's kind of panicking
about his debate performance last night.
And it's not just about his
it's also about what everyone else
on the right and in right wing media has
been saying about his debate performance.
We'll get to that later in the show,
but for now,
let's hear more of what he had to say.
What is your review
of your of your performance?
Well, I looked at the poll numbers.
I listened to Harold Ford.
I don't know what he was watching
because I think he wasn't watching
the debate that I was in yesterday.
I think we did great.
It was 3 to 1. It was a rigged deal
as as I assumed it would be.
Because when you looked at the the fact
that they were correcting everything
and not correcting with her, and we knew
it when it was 100% good coverage for her
over the last month or last year.
I looked at it and only
bad coverage of me, no matter what.
The press is so dishonest in this country.
It's amazing.
Now, I didn't mind because frankly,
I knew I was pretty sure
that's what they would do.
CNN was much more honorable.
The debate we had with Biden
was a much more honorably run debate.
Was it was it much more honorable
than how the moderators at ABC
handled the debate last night?
Or was it a great debate
because you were running against
and debating a man who was showing signs
of significant cognitive decline?
I mean, I totally understand
feeling real good about the CNN debate
against Joe Biden.
I can also understand lying to yourself
about how it's everyone else's fault
that you performed poorly in last night's
debate, but if you want to improve,
you have to take personal responsibility.
And the fact of the matter is,
Donald Trump just didn't seem prepared.
I think he made a big mistake
in underestimating his opponent,
Kamala Harris.
And he didn't just internally
underestimate Kamala Harris.
He very publicly underestimated
Kamala Harris.
He kept calling her stupid.
His supporters and his campaign
kept calling her stupid.
And so they created this narrative
in their minds that it was going to be
a cakewalk for Trump, that Kamala Harris
has nothing going on up there.
And when you underestimate
your opponent like that, more often than
not you are in for a world of trouble.
And even Elon Musk admitted
the Kamala Harris did did pretty well.
She delivered,
and I'm sure that was difficult
for someone like Elon Musk to admit.
But it is the truth
in terms of the optics.
And I want to be clear.
The optics are obviously different
from the substance, right?
But when it comes to debates,
optics are more important
than substance, I'm sad to say.
And so while I feel unhappy with the lack
of in-depth policy debate and discussion,
I do think optically,
Donald Trump did poorly.
Kamala Harris did well.
She appeared to be more prepared.
She appeared more presidential.
She appeared confident. She was smiling.
She was looking at, you know,
the moderators looking at Donald Trump.
We've talked about all of this during our
debate coverage, but you get the picture.
But I just love the fact that Donald Trump
is doing this comparative analysis
between the moderators over at CNN
versus the moderators at ABC.
Because, yeah,
the CNN debate did go really well.
It went really well
because you were debating Joe Biden,
Kamala Harris, much younger, sharper.
And while I do have a few gripes
with some of the moderation last night,
really, Donald Trump, if he was prepared,
could have found a way to deflect if he
needs to and go to a talking point that he
finds to be effective with the independent
voters that he's trying to appeal to.
But that would take practice,
that would take strategizing,
that would take a lot of hard work.
Behind the scenes, I heard that Tulsi
Gabbard was preparing him for the debate.
Maybe they should reconsider who they hire
to prepare Donald Trump for the debate.
But with that said, Trump then goes on
to complain about the ABC news moderators
failing to fact check Kamala Harris.
And here, while he does sound whiny
and incredibly annoying,
I do think he has a bit of a point.
I'll explain how
when we come back from this clip.
So many things I said were debunked,
totally debunked, like Charlottesville,
like I could I have a list
of seven different things and she could
say anything she wanted everything.
Every time I spoke and my stuff was right,
they'd correct you.
I thought it was terrible.
From the standpoint of ABC,
they're the most dishonest, in my opinion,
the most dishonest news organization.
And that's saying a lot because
they're all essentially really dishonest.
But I thought I did a great job.
It was three on one,
and I thought I did a great job.
Now, we sent you the polls,
but every single poll last night
had me winning like 90 to 10. We had
C-Span at one point was at 80 to 20,
and I don't know how it finished.
That was late last night,
so I have no idea.
But it was at 80 to 20. Hey,
don't scroll away, come back, come back.
Because before the video continues,
we just want to urge you
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We have to contend with two
different things that he said there.
So number one is the claim
against the moderators.
I'm going to get to that in a second.
The second thing that he wants,
wants to bring up is how well he was doing
based on the polls.
And I mean, he cited C-Span as if like
the C-Span poll would contain a bunch
of C-Span viewers who were like, total.
Anyway, we'll get to that because I
actually have, some of the polling and all
of that stuff after the debate was over.
But first, were the moderators unfair?
Look, I do think that there
were some clear examples
of Kamala Harris saying something
that was dishonest or misleading,
and they didn't fact check her.
While they certainly did fact check
Donald Trump now, I was happy with them
fact checking Donald Trump.
But you also have to be fair.
So one of the prime examples that I'll
bring up is early on in the debate,
she mentioned how Trump threatened
that this country would be a bloodbath
if he loses the election.
This is a story that we actually
covered a few months ago,
because that was the dominant narrative in
the press that Donald Trump said that.
But we went in and we actually watched
his rally and we showed you the evidence
of what he actually said.
He didn't say that the country
will be a bloodbath.
He said that the economy
will be a bloodbath, and the loss
of manufacturing jobs would be a bloodbath
if he doesn't get elected.
That is very different from,
you know, the narrative that was playing
out in the press about how Donald Trump
is threatening a bloodbath
if he doesn't win the election.
He was being very specific
about the economy.
He'd be probably best served in not
using bloodbath or that kind of rhetoric,
because I think it will be used
against him dishonestly.
But I guess when you really think
about it, if it's the legacy media
or the corporate media kind of
perpetuating that lie about the bloodbath,
I guess you can't really expect
the corporate media to do that fact check
on Kamala Harris in real time.
So. But it is true.
There were a few examples of her kind
of getting away with saying things
that were misleading or dishonest.
Now let's get to the ridiculous claim
about how the polls show that he won
the debate by a lot, and I'm sure you
guys can all guess that that's not true.
So let's go to CNN's flash poll.
I'll give you the results.
They found that debate watchers said 63%
to 37%, that Harris turned in a better
performance on stage in Philadelphia.
Prior to the debate, the same voters
were evenly split on which candidate
would perform more strongly,
with 50% saying Harris would do so
and 50% saying that Trump would.
So it's interesting because going in,
you know, you have these voters
who have a preconceived notion
of how the debate is going to play out.
And then after the debate,
you see Kamala Harris,
gain a 13 point lead over Donald Trump.
And after, and afterward,
96% of Harris supporters
who turned or tuned in, said that their
chosen candidate had done a better job,
while a smaller 69% majority
of Trump supporters
credited him with having a better night.
So I think that's telling,
because while the majority
of Trump supporters still believe that he
did better than Kamala Harris did,
the fact of the matter is, there's
a sizable portion of Trump supporters
who did not feel that he did a good job.
And that is also reflected in what some
of the conservative pundits have to say.
Now, the results of the flash poll
mark a shift from the reaction
to the June presidential debate,
which should be unsurprising to all of us.
When voters who watched
the matchup between Trump and Biden
said 67% to 33% that Trump
outperformed his Democratic rival.
And can we just pause for a second
and acknowledge the fact
that the reason why Donald Trump
wants to run against Biden so badly
instead of Kamala Harris is because Has.
He knows the truth about how much easier
it would be to beat Joe Biden
rather than Kamala Harris.
Kamala Harris is still a little more
competitive than Joe Biden is
because she's younger.
And even though she's in the current
administration as Biden's vice president,
the fact of the matter is voters see her
as someone new, someone fresh.
They're kind of sick
of the Trump era to some extent.
You know, the divisiveness, the anger, the
rage pitting people against one another.
I think a lot of voters
look at Kamala Harris and they see
a different path forward, and I do.
I did notice, and this was also reflected
in some of the reporting,
that Kamala Harris actually attacked Trump
more than Trump attacked her.
And I think in his debate prep, I'm just
guessing this is obviously speculation.
He was told whatever you do,
like don't attack her.
Because when you think about
Trump's attacks against Kamala Harris,
they're usually about her being a woman
or her race, how dumb she is.
But I think they forgot
to drill into his head.
It is okay to attack her on substance.
I don't know
if he's capable of doing that.
He didn't do that.
And in fact, if you look at the number
of attacks that Kamala Harris,
did against Trump and vice versa,
Kamala Harris did attack him more, but
obviously she attacked him on substance.
Now, the Washington Post also spoke to
voters who have a preference on who they
want to win the election and how they felt
about the candidate's performance.
Jason from Wisconsin wants Trump to win.
He's clear about that.
But he also believes in objective reality,
and I really commend him for that,
he told The Washington Post.
Quote, Trump was on defense.
Harris stuck to her points,
was coherent and frankly, more
professional than I have ever seen her.
Trump missed too many opportunities,
and I definitely agree with him on that.
Look, if he wanted to demagogue
on immigration and migrants,
it's kind of curious that he chose the
eating pets eating cats and ducks story,
which is completely debunked
rather than I don't know.
I mean, there was a whole hearing
in the House of Representatives yesterday,
and in that hearing they had all
sorts of family members
of people who were victimized,
murdered in a lot of cases by migrants.
I mean, it was like wall to wall
hearing of stories like that
and rather than, you know, exploit one
of those stories for his own purposes,
he went to one of the most
ridiculous examples that's been debunked,
complete, unfounded rumor.
So he also lashed out on Fox, by the way,
which I thought was hilarious.
He did so while he was on Fox,
so I want to give him kudos for this.
I think it's hilarious. Let's take a look.
Before the debate happened last night,
the Kamala Harris people said
that they would actually like
to do another debate in October.
And I know that last night Fox News
offered sent letters to your campaign
and her campaign offering three dates
of debates moderated by Martha and Bret.
One is October 9th in Arizona.
Well, I wouldn't want to have
Martha and Bret.
I'd love to have somebody else
other than Martha and Bret.
I'd love to have, frankly, Sean or Jesse
or Laura, you know, somebody else.
Let's give let's give other people a shot.
But I didn't think Martha and Bret
were good last night.
I thought Jesse was.
Jesse was fantastic last night. What?
He said Jesse really got it.
Jesse said Trump won that debate.
That was.
We won that debate by a lot.
Now, I wouldn't want Martha involved.
Everyone had me winning the debate.
So, Mr. President, Mr. President,
I want to do another debate.
So you write at the end as I was
interrupting, so you you don't know
if you want to do another debate.
It sounds like you're a no.
Well, I'd be less inclined to
because we had a great night.
I mean, he gave the whole game away
in that answer.
Because Bret Baier last night,
and you're going to hear from him in our
next segment, made clear that he felt
that Donald Trump lost the debate.
And so Trump likes to retaliate.
I don't know what Jesse Watters
had to say about it.
I feel like Jesse Watters
should only be listened to when he wants
to go on one of his funny straw rants.
Other than that,
I mean, what a waste of time.
But Bret Baier was critical, and so I
think that's the reason why he's now kind
of trying to renege on a future debate on
Fox with Martha MacCallum and Bret Baier.
But, you know something
that probably stings quite a bit.
We just got word that RFK Jr,
the independent candidate
who dropped out of the race to avoid being
a spoiler candidate for Donald Trump,
he dropped out, endorsed Donald Trump.
He has said that Trump lost the debate.
I'm going to read you his exact quote.
I think the vice president,
I think that Vice President Harris clearly
won the debate in terms of her delivery,
her Polish or her organization,
her preparation, Kennedy declared,
I think on substance, President Trump wins
in terms of his governance.
But he didn't tell that story.
In fact, the first question
was an extraordinary lost opportunity
because it was a question which is,
are Americans better off four years later?
And there's really no argument
for saying that they are so incredible.
And RFK Jr isn't the only person
who has opened up about how he feels
about Donald Trump's debate performance.
A lot of his allies
have also spoken up about it.
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The Young Turks: September 11, 2024
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