Oct 30, 2024
Sarah Palin Calls Mehdi Hasan An 'Ass' After He Fact-Checks Her
Sarah Palin called former MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan an "obnoxious ass" on Piers Morgan's show.
- 11 minutes
Is energy production higher? Sarah Palin.
It's a very simple question.
I know facts are not your strong point.
Is energy production higher today
under Biden than under Trump?
It's a simple yes or no question.
You're an.
Obnoxious see.
Facts don't care about your feelings.
I'm obnoxious.
You're a racist.
We want to play that game.
Piers Morgan show.
Always a great place to go
if you want a genuine exchange of ideas
and lots of smart points.
Obviously I'm kidding, but that was
journalist Mehdi Hasan, who found himself
brawling with the former vice
presidential candidate Sarah Palin during
a recent debate hosted by Piers Morgan.
Look, debates hosted
by Piers Morgan isn't.
It's not really about debating ideas.
It's really about creating
a circus environment
for people to embarrass themselves in.
But what Mehdi Hasan was saying
there was actually correct.
And I actually want to get into this issue
because it's something
that comes up over and over again.
The idea that America is not energy
dependent, we're not drilling enough,
we're not fracking enough, and that
couldn't be further from the truth.
Now, Sarah Palin repeated
a favorite Republican lie
about Biden hampering energy production
in the United States, and quickly
got fact checked by Mehdi Hassan.
Now, this started with a discussion
about which candidate is more anti-war,
with Sarah Palin arguing that,
of course, Donald Trump is.
And here's her reasoning
for why she doesn't trust Kamala Harris
to protect the country.
I will do whatever I can and I will.
I will support whatever candidate
needs support in order to avoid war.
Why I will not support Kamala
is she doesn't understand, for one, that
inherent link between energy development,
energy independence in America,
and that inherently between that
and our safety and our sovereignty,
and because Kamala
and because the Democrat Party has put an
end to so much of our exploration,
certainly so much of our development of
our own natural resources is in America.
Producing more energy today
than we have in all of history.
We're not.
That's not true. We're not.
- No we're.
- Not.
And remember,
Kamala and her administration.
Day one. They stopped pipelines.
No more drilling on federal lands.
So we look up.
America is not producing energy.
Now, I do think that it's worth
noting that, as an aside, okay.
Mehdi Hassan correctly pointed out
after that moment that Sarah
Palin ran alongside John McCain,
who was notoriously a war hawk.
So, I mean, if she has problems
with war hawks, why was she so willing
to run as the running mate
to a guy who was a war hawk himself?
But okay. Anyway.
Then they get back to the debate about
energy, and Mehdi Hassan starts calling
her out on, I think they're they're lies.
Or maybe she's just totally misinformed,
but come on, come on.
At this point, how can it not be a lie?
Let's watch.
- I want to.
- Talk about energy and America's.
Well, you said was false about energy.
Facts matter too.
America has record
energy production right now.
No. It does.
People can Google it right now
and see it on day one.
What the Biden administration did
was halt so much of our exploration.
- We have record energy and.
- Our construction of pipelines.
I'm not a fan of that, by the way.
I think we should have
less energy production.
I'm a critic of Biden
on his energy production.
- You're a liar.
- You lied.
I'm a liar.
Yes. And you said no.
Biden didn't do that.
Yes, he did on day one.
- You know, he.
- Handed out more licenses to Trump.
Did you know that?
I'm making the point that you denied.
My point is true.
He said energy is high. And you said no.
So if anyone lied, you did.
People can DVR, they can rewind it
and see you saying a false statement.
Let me ask this question.
That energy production is
energy production higher today?
You don't think that.
Biden is energy production
higher under Biden than Trump.
And you just.
Is energy production higher? Sarah Palin?
It's a very simple question.
I know facts are not your strong point.
Is energy production higher today
under Biden than under Trump?
It's a simple yes or no question.
You're an.
- Obnoxious.
- See.
Facts don't care about your feelings.
Are Americans wrong
when they have this feeling?
Well, the feelings are.
I'm obnoxious because I asked you
if energy production is higher today
than under Trump.
It makes me obnoxious because.
You're obnoxious. Okay, great.
Great retort. You got him.
All right, look, I have addressed this
multiple times on the show,
but the video that we're about to watch
is going to help explain what I've been
repeating on this show over and over again
in regard to energy production in America,
because it is absolutely true that we
are the top producer and top exporter.
Let's watch.
Oil production is at a record high.
In the last year or so,
there has been almost an
unprecedented increase in production.
Actually the the most since 2014.
And so at this point, the United States,
as you mentioned, is producing about 13.5
million barrels a day, and we're
heading towards 14 million barrels a day.
That is more oil
than any country in the world.
That is a record for the United States.
And it may well be the record
for any country in the world.
And we are now after Saudi Arabia,
the biggest.
We're we're exporting more oil than any
member of OPEC, save Saudi Arabia.
I bet a lot of voters and even Republican
lawmakers don't know that we actually
end up importing oil as well from Canada.
And the reason why we do that
is because our refineries
are able to refine that oil from Canada.
Now, you could build new refineries
or you can update the refineries we have
in order to deal with the oil that we're
drilling here in the United States.
But it's an interesting story.
Shareholders know that that would require
these oil companies to spend some money
on updating their infrastructure
and basically updating their refineries to
be able to refine American produced oil,
or they can increase their return
on investment by not having these oil
companies invest in their infrastructure
and their refineries.
And so that's part of the issue.
But the overall overwhelming issue here
is that oil is sold
on the international market.
The oil that is drilled on American land
is not a resource that belongs
to the American people.
It doesn't belong
to the American government.
It belongs to the companies
that drill for that oil.
And they get to do with that oil
as they please.
They get to sell it
on the international market, which is
why we are one of the top exporters.
So another, you know,
fact that everyone should be aware of.
As Reuter reports, multiple indicators
suggest that the U.S.
Oil and gas industry has thrived under
President Joe Biden's administration,
despite its push to decarbonize the U.S.
And look, I want to be as fair
as humanly possible to everyone involved
in this debate, including Sarah Palin.
Because there are little nuggets,
little tidbits.
and bits of truth in what she's saying,
but her overall point is incorrect.
So what are the bits of truth in what you
know, Sarah Palin is saying here?
It is true that Biden canceled
the Keystone XL pipeline project
to bring in more Canadian crude to U.S.
It's also true that he paused
the LNG export permits pending an
environmental review, and he reduced
the federal oil leasing schedule.
But overall, if you take a step back
and you look at the full picture
of what happened under Biden's
administration, we produced record oil
and we exported record oil.
Now, overall, Midi is still right.
The U.S.
Is producing more energy than ever before.
Let's take a look at this chart.
Oil production in the United States
amounted to around 827.1
million metric tons in 2023.
That is literally
the highest figure on record.
You can see it visually in this chart.
You can also analyze it
based on the raw numbers.
Biden has expedited the construction
of an oil pipeline in West Virginia,
and approved the Willow Oil
Project in Alaska over the opposition
of environmental activists.
And despite his 2020 campaign, promise to
stop drilling on federal lands altogether.
Yeah, that West Virginia pipeline.
You guys remember the story behind that?
After Senator Joe Manchin torpedoed
Biden's alleged agenda, his Build Back
Better agenda, Biden decided to reward
him, and Congress decided to reward him by
greenlighting this West Virginia project.
So that's great.
Anyway, let's take a look
at the next chart.
In addition to crude oil, by the way,
the U.S.
Produced more natural gas and to a lesser
extent, renewable energy than ever before.
In fact, under Biden,
more onshore drilling permits were
approved than they were under Trump.
Let's take a look at the next chart.
This is federal onshore drilling permit
approvals, which were up under Biden.
And you get a sense that, you know,
he absolutely did provide more permit
approvals compared to Donald Trump.
Now, in addition to producing
more national natural gas
and crude oil than ever before, we're also
producing more than any other country.
There you go.
We're producing more than Russia.
We're producing more than Saudi Arabia.
America leads the next two largest
energy producers, Russia and Saudi Arabia.
And as you expect,
you'd expect fossil fuel companies
are making record profits as well.
They're raking it in.
Okay. They're not hungry.
They're not looking for their next meal.
The profits of the top five
publicly traded oil companies BP, shell,
Exxon, Chevron and Total Energies
amounted to $410 billion during the first
three years of the Biden administration,
a 100% increase over the first three years
of Donald Trump's presidency,
according to data compiled by Reuters.
Still, doesn't matter what the evidence
is, doesn't matter what the truth is,
you're going to hear the same lie
repeated over and over and over again.
The big problem in America
is that we're not energy independent.
We could be.
But drilling more, fracking more
isn't going to make us
energy more energy independent.
Not unless we are willing
to nationalize these fossil fuels
as resources for the American people.
And no presidential candidate
and no member of Congress
would ever even consider that.
So that's where we are.
And that's what the truth is.
Just something to keep in mind
as our politicians continue attempting
to lie to you about what the reality is.
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