Nov 4, 2024
Tucker Carlson Is Officially Residing In La La Land
Tucker Carlson claimed that abortions cause hurricanes.
- 11 minutes
People were like,
oh, well, we had another hurricane.
Must be global warming.
No, it's probably abortion, actually.
Just being honest.
He's just being honest. And that's right.
On Steve Bannon's podcast War Room.
Tucker Carlson claimed
that abortions cause hurricanes.
Here's the full unhinged rant.
If you're making the case that, you know
sometimes we need to have an abortion.
Okay, if you're making the case
that abortion is an affirmative good,
you are evil.
You're practicing child sacrifice.
And that is exactly what they're doing
as every culture before us has.
But to see the Treasury Secretary
that dwarf, Janet Yellen, get up and say,
you know, you can do your part to help the
American economy by killing your child.
That's no different
than the Canaanites, actually.
So if people who don't see that clearly,
that's exactly what it is.
Worshiping abortion, the killing of kids,
not as something that like needs
to happen, unfortunately,
but is something that is good,
that's pro-abortion, you know, people.
And I have to say,
I'm sure I'll be attacked for saying this,
but I really believe it.
People are like,
oh, well, we had another hurricane.
Must be global warming.
No, it's probably abortion, actually.
Just being honest.
Like, you can't do that.
You can't kill children on purpose knowing
that you're doing that in exchange for
power or freedom or happiness or whatever
you think you're getting in return.
You can't participate in human
sacrifice without consequences.
You just can't. Sorry.
Now, it's worth noting that Carlson
completely misrepresented
Janet Yellen's comments.
Unsurprisingly, she said in 2022,
I believe that eliminating the right
of women to make decisions
about when and whether to have children
would have very damaging effects on the
economy and would set women back decades.
Also on that same podcast,
Tucker once again reiterated the story
about him being allegedly attacked
by a demon in his sleep.
On the abortion front,
can you declare once and for all,
do abortions cause hurricanes?
Look, if you think abortions
might cause hurricanes, that's okay.
I'm never going to reach you.
You know, you're in la la land.
You're in a different reality,
and God help you.
Yeah, again, mental health counseling.
You've lost your mind,
and you don't realize it.
So, no, there's a science
to how weather patterns form.
The scientists have studied it, and at no
point in their, readings did they get.
Oh, look at this, Bob. I'm seeing.
Oh, Doctor Smith,
you're never going to believe it.
Number of abortions has gone up,
and so is the number of hurricanes.
Oh, wow.
Oh, by the way, even if you believe
that moronic, ridiculous, lunatic idea,
well, you guys just banned abortion
in a lot of these states.
So why are we getting hit
with hurricanes, anyway?
They hit the red states that were
banning abortion under your dumb ass logic
and I mean Tucker Carlson
and anyone else who believes it.
Wouldn't we get less hurricanes
because we now have less abortions because
you guys banned it in those states?
Are you saying that God maybe is angry
that you're doing less abortions?
Maybe God is pro-abortion.
Now this is when their heads explode.
But this clown Tucker Carlson
just said child sacrifice.
Well, a lot of religious texts
do have human sacrifice.
In fact, the Bible starts out with
a child sacrifice where God tells Abraham
to kill his first child.
Oh, right.
Now he doesn't do it at the end.
But that's okay. That's good.
Well, first of all,
you shouldn't contemplate that already.
We're in dangerous, ridiculous territory.
Oh, but wait, child sacrifice.
I mean, would God sacrifice his child?
Oh, right. Jesus.
Okay, you want to go
to numbers 511 through 31?
You'll find out that God says
that if your wife cheats on you,
you should make her drink a toxic potion
that the priest will prepare.
And the child, if you think it's a child
inside of her, will be sacrificed.
Go to Exodus 21, where God explains
that if you kill a woman, life for a life.
If you kill whatever is inside the woman,
if she was pregnant and you
cause a miscarriage through attacking her,
that's just a small fine.
It's no big deal
because that's not a life.
So the Bible is definitely,
definitely pro-abortion.
I don't care what feelings
you catch over that.
All of your religious leaders
and all of your politicians
have lied to you your whole life.
And there's human sacrifices
all over the Bible.
So are you in favor of it
or are you against it?
God did a human sacrifice. Jesus.
So these things are super obvious.
But anyway, the interesting part
about Tucker Carlson
is there's only two possibilities.
One is he's just fully lost his mind
getting fired from Fox News.
Just let him down a rabbit hole
and he's now a full lunatic.
Wright should be locked up
in a mental asylum.
Of course.
Now very tight with the Trump team.
So this is among the lunatics
you'll get if Trump wins.
Wow. Really?
And then Trump supporters will ask me,
why aren't you voting for Trump?
He's the he's the populist. No he's not.
He's a fake populist.
And he brings in a circus
full of lunatics with him.
But I don't think
that's what Tucker's doing.
I think the other explanation
makes more sense, which is that he's
the biggest actor, the biggest fraud
in all of American media.
He makes mainstream media look
like they're genuine and empathetic
and care about you.
So Tucker Carlson
doesn't believe any of this.
I remember when he was a dyed
in the wool member of the establishment.
I remember when I was a host on MSNBC, I'd
go to these parties in Washington, D.C.,
and Tucker was the belle of the ball.
He would come in in his stupid bow tie.
Remember, he wore a bow tie
for most of his career.
Why did he wear the bow tie?
He was signaling to the establishment
and to the rich and powerful.
Don't worry. I'm one of you.
Give me a job. Give me power.
Give me money.
And that worked for a long time.
Then on Fox News, he realized that his
audience was going towards populism
and towards conspiracy theories.
So he started giving them
more and more conspiracy theories.
Next thing you know,
he takes off the tie and he.
Because now the money is going
towards conspiracy theories.
So all of a sudden he's like,
oh, the other day he said, I was attacked
by demons in the middle of the night
and they gave me a big scratch.
And now abortions are causing hurricanes.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
He's not that stupid or that crazy.
He's just trying to find his new scam
so that he can trick you guys
into giving him more money.
That's my take. Jordan, what do you think?
I mean Giang, don't forget first Samuel 15
three where God told Saul to go to Amalek
and kill everyone, everything that belongs
to them and quote, do not spare them.
Put to death men and women,
children and infants,
cattle and sheep, camel and donkeys.
When you're talking about everyone,
like that sounds a lot like a genocide.
And people want to draw
those parallels to abortion,
which is obviously not the case.
But to act like this is just
some sacrosanct thing
that should never be done by anybody.
You should never exercise bodily autonomy
because it's tantamount to murder
and invoking religion.
I mean, you look at verse like that,
for me, it's a nonstarter.
So look,
we talked about with the demon story.
This guy is clearly pivoting
to some horror, right.
Religious play because he thinks that'll
be beneficial for him financially.
Maybe it's working but also along these
same outlandish claims,
the line of these same outlandish claims.
He also said that he thinks demons came
up with nuclear energy because he doesn't
know the human origins of nuclear energy.
Again, it's just like,
what are we doing here?
This is somebody, unfortunately,
that some mainstream
and even liberal reporters would point to
during the Trump years as the sane
conservative who's critiquing capitalism
and someone who doesn't like Trump.
And it's like,
I don't think any of that's true.
I think he's saying
what people want to hear because he knows
it'll help him professionally.
And this guy is just totally Simon.
We've seen that time and time again.
He can go all the way back to when he
was calling into Bubba the Love Sponge,
the shock jock in Florida that he would
call in from his MSNBC office in the 2000
and talk about his female coworkers,
their bodies, talk about them sexually,
and after he got fired from that show.
He stopped calling in after a while.
But, I mean, you saw really, truly
what his character was in those tapes.
And I was working at media matters
at the time when they were uncovered.
Just really disgusting stuff.
Also today he said that the people stole
his texts, so thereby confirming his texts
about Donald Trump were true.
Okay, so when he got caught,
he said that he loved Donald Trump.
But that's not what he said in the texts.
So, for example, in one of the texts,
he said, we are very, very close
to being able to ignore Trump most nights.
I truly can't wait.
He said, I hate him passionately.
I can't handle much more of this.
And it goes on and on.
So the guy who says
he hates Trump passionately
is now buddy buddies with Trump.
You know why?
Because Tucker Carlson is a gigantic liar.
What does Tucker Carlson actually think?
Money money money money money power.
Me want power and money. Oh, I hate Trump.
Oh, Trump's ass kissing contest has begun.
I love Trump.
Oh, I'm a bow tie establishment guy.
Give me money.
Oh. Conspiracy theories.
Abortion is causing hurricanes.
Ooh! Demons are attacking me.
Okay. Whatever, dude.
Total loser. Fraud.
If when Trump loses, this idiot is going
to try to run for president,
I hope he gets annihilated politically.
And I feel so, so sorry for you.
If you believe a word
of what this fraud huckster tells you.
Jesus, please, please don't be
so embarrassing
as to believe this obvious fraud.
By the way, if you're following him,
you're you're almost definitely
a conservative.
Obviously, there are no rational human
beings that follow Tucker Carlson.
He hates Donald Trump.
He admitted today the texts were real.
So what part of that is unclear?
You think just overnight, after the texts
were discovered, he's like, oh,
I went from hating him to loving him.
No, he's lying to you
as he has been his entire career.
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