Jan 2, 2025
Special Ops Soldier Intentionally Blows Up Cybertruck At Trump Tower
37-year-old Matthew Livelsberger has been identified as the the driver in the Tesla Cybertruck that exploded outside a Trump Tower in Las Vegas.
- 8 minutes
Go back. Go back.
This was the scene from inside the lobby
of the Trump International Hotel
just after 830 Wednesday morning.
A 2024 Tesla Cybertruck
engulfed in flames in the Valley area
just outside the main doors.
We saw sparks. It was pretty fast.
This surveillance video caught
the moment that Cybertruck exploded.
Well, as you just saw from that footage,
a Tesla Cybertruck exploded right
in front of Trump Tower in Las Vegas,
killing the occupant and injuring
seven others on New Year's Day.
Now, miraculously, despite how horrific
that scene was, only one person
the occupant of the vehicle, died.
So who carried this out?
What was the motive
and why was Elon Musk bragging?
Well, we'll get to Elon Musk
and the bragging in just a minute.
But first,
the important details to this story.
So surveillance video shows a driver
passing by the Trump Hotel in Vegas about
an hour before the car explodes and then
circling back near the end of that hour
and stopping in front of the hotel,
where the car explodes several seconds
later, according to a law enforcement
official briefed on the investigation.
So here's Las Vegas Metropolitan
Police Department Sheriff Kevin Mcmahill
basically explaining
what they found in the truck.
The fire.
Initially, they covered it with a tarp
to try to get it to go out.
Once the fire went out
through the suppression efforts
of the fire department, you'll see some of
the evidence in the back of the vehicle.
So those are gasoline canisters.
They are camp fuel canisters
and large firework mortars.
So seven people,
as I mentioned earlier in that area,
were unfortunately injured, but luckily
all of them are in stable condition.
And remarkably, none of the glass
at Trump Tower broke.
Only and only that driver was killed.
So I mean, I'm sad about the seven
people who were injured.
I'm glad that they are in stable
condition, but it is pretty miraculous
that the only person who died
was the person in the vehicle.
And again, we don't know for sure
what motivated this attack.
I mean, obviously, I don't think it's a
coincidence that he was in a cyber truck.
So Elon Musk, of course, very close
with Donald Trump at the moment.
And this attack happened or this explosion
happened right in front of Trump Tower.
So I'm very curious about
what was behind this attack.
And it is being investigated right now.
Here's what we know for sure for now.
So the man who rented the Cybertruck has
been identified as Matthew Leibensperger.
He's a 37 year old member
of the Army's elite special forces unit
from Colorado Springs.
Now, earlier, we were talking about
the terror attack that took place
on Bourbon Street in New Orleans,
and the US born citizen who carried
out that attack was also an Army veteran.
So that's really interesting.
And the US Army said in regard
to the Las Vegas attack on Thursday
that Leibensperger was an
active duty soldier from 2006 to 2011,
before transferring to the National Guard
and then the Army Reserves.
He rejoined the Army in 2012
and was a special operations soldier.
US Special Operations Command confirmed
that he was assigned to the command
and on leave at the time of his death.
So he wasn't a veteran.
He was still an active duty,
but nonetheless, the two individuals
that we're talking about today
who carried out two separate attacks,
you know, had affiliations with the
military, and we don't know at the moment
whether there's any connection
to the two attacks so far.
Authorities do not believe so,
but they're still investigating it.
Officials, again, haven't definitively
confirmed yet whether he was the man in
the vehicle at the time of the explosion.
But today, investigators said that IEDs
and tattoos on the body gave them
strong indication that he was the guy.
And they also revealed that the man
had had shot himself in the head with
a handgun before the explosion took place,
and had another gun
in the vehicle as well.
Here's what else we know.
So the FBI is still trying to determine
whether this was an act of terrorism.
I don't begrudge anyone
for making the assumption
that it was meant to be an act of terror,
considering where it took place.
You know, especially
in this highly charged political time.
They're also investigating
whether the Cybertruck explosion
is related to the attack in New Orleans.
So again, there's some similarities.
We've already gone over that.
But as of this morning, the FBI is making
clear that they have found no connection.
So let's take a look at that.
We are following up on all potential leads
and not ruling anything out.
However, at this point, there is no
definitive link between the attack here
in New Orleans and the one in Las Vegas.
And again, I'll preface as I close, I'll
preface everything with what I started
with in the beginning, which was this is
very early in an investigation like this.
It is very early in the investigation
and, you know, even though a motive
hasn't been determined,
a lot of people obviously are speculating
that it has to do with politics.
And in fact, that includes
the Vegas sheriff himself, who was quoted
as saying, it's a Tesla truck.
And we know that Elon Musk
is working with president elect Trump
and it's the Trump Tower.
So there's obviously things
to be concerned about there.
And speaking of Elon Musk,
shortly after the attack, you know,
he used this as an opportunity
to give himself a pat on the back
for producing vehicles that are as,
durable, I guess, as the Cybertruck.
So let's start with,
Elon fanboy Ian Miles.
Ian Miles Cheong.
He wrote on X the following.
Elon's decision to build
a Cybertruck like a tank
may have saved many lives in Vegas today.
Imagine how much worse the explosion would
have been for all those in the vicinity
if it was any other vehicle.
And I'm sure Trump.
I'm sure Musk loved that.
He responded by saying Cybertruck is
the worst possible choice for a car bomb,
as its stainless steel armor
will contain the blast
better than any other commercial vehicle.
Look, I don't know if that's true
about it being more durable
than any other commercial vehicle, but it
is true that given the explosion, it is.
We're very lucky that only the person
in the vehicle died.
Let's just put it that way.
But I just feel like maybe don't use this
as an opportunity to brag at the moment.
Just like let it go for the moment, okay?
Especially considering
how scary the situation is and must have
been for people on the scene there.
And look, to be fair to Elon, he wasn't
the only one giving the Cybertruck
some credit for containing the blast.
The sheriff did so too, saying the fact
that this was a Cybertruck really limited
the damage that occurred inside of the
Valley, because it had most of the blast
go up through the truck and out.
But again, I'm not going to speculate
on what the motive was here.
I have no idea.
And it would be irresponsible
to just assume that it was meant to be
some sort of anti-Trump terror attack.
Someone related
to the individual in the vehicle claimed
that he was not in any way against Trump,
in fact, was in favor of Trump.
I don't know how true that is,
and I wouldn't take that at face value.
Right? Take that with a grain of salt.
Let the authorities do the investigation
and hopefully we'll learn more soon.
But incredibly scary situation. I'm lucky.
We're all lucky that no one else got hurt.
Seriously, no one else died
as a result of this.
And it's just terrible that, you know, New
Year's Day was riddled with these type of
horrible stories, these acts of violence.
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