Dec 9, 2024
Black Family Falsely Accused Of Theft At Walmart, Security REFUSES Basic Check
Black Family Falsely Accused Of Theft At Walmart, Security REFUSES Basic Check
- 6 minutes
Black family sues Walmart
after they Walmart
falsely accused them of shoplifting.
Put up the family for a mass here.
A black Florida family is suing Walmart
after they were falsely accused
of shoplifting because security guards
refused to check receipts,
confirming they purchased the items,
which is standard you would assume
from loss prevention.
The Brewster family had just left church
when they entered a Florida Walmart to
exchange some clothes they had purchased
for their daughter the previous day
that ended up not fitting her.
The black family of five ended up falsely
accused of attempting to steal the items
they were trying to exchange,
and ordered into a security room
with television monitors,
where they were confronted
by security guards and sheriff deputies.
The entire family.
Here's what happened when the family
returned to Walmart to exchange clothing.
So Nakia then walked to the customer
service counter to make the exchange,
which included five items of clothing
and another five items larger in size.
That was when she untied the bag
and pulled out the clothes
she wanted to exchange,
along with the receipt for those items.
Very straightforward here.
During the process, the customer
service worker apparently received a call
from the security guards, prompting
the employee to stall the exchange.
Raymond joined his wife in the customer
service line, which had been growing
longer with customers due to the delay.
About ten minutes later,
a plainclothes security guard named Steven
George Mullen approached the family
and accused them of stealing.
Ma'am, we saw you put something in your
bag, end quote, he announced in a loud
voice, drawing stares from other customers
before repeating the same accusation.
No, you did not see anything in my bag.
What are you talking about?
Nakia responded, ma'am, I have you
putting these pair of pants in your bag.
Mother continued quote
sir, I have a receipt that shows
we purchased these clothes on Saturday.
Nakia responded, trying to hand mother
the receipt from the previous day.
You can match the UPC
with the barcode on the pants, right?
But Mullin was not interested
in examining the evidence.
I mean, receipt that claim states
the family gathered their belongings
and followed Mullin to the middle
of the store, where they were greeted
by two Jacksonville sheriff's deputies.
They then ordered the family
to follow them into the security room
near the front of the store.
The family was ordered to sit on a bench,
while one of the deputies told them
they were there to keep the peace.
We didn't steal anything,
Nikita told the deputy, quote.
Not sure why they think we did.
We have a receipt
for everything we purchased,
and that was when the deputies realized
the security guards had lied to them.
They have a receipt.
One of the deputies asked the guards.
That's not the information you said to us.
That's not what's on the body cam.
We think we saw her put items
in the bag, Mullis explains.
That's not the information you said to us,
the second deputy said.
That's not what's on body cam.
Fortunately, the Jacksonville
sheriff's deputies recognized the family
was being falsely accused
and eventually let them go.
But not before husband and wife Raymond
and Nakia Brewster, along with their
three daughters, ages 12, seven and one,
were forced to sit on a bench
while the security guards searched through
the surveillance video to show the cops
their alleged evidence that the family
had been trying to steal merchandise.
But there was no evidence.
Quote. You're free to go.
If you like to meet me in the parking lot,
I'll write a report
on this entire event for you.
The deputy told the family after realizing
they had been falsely accused.
According to the lawsuit filed last month,
which mentioned several past incidents
where Walmart employees racially profiled
customers, the lawsuit states, quote,
the Brewster family was security profiled,
wrongfully imprisoned, wrongfully
detained, defamed, discriminated against
and in violation of their civil rights
and humiliated states.
The claim, which accuses Walmart of civil
rights violation, wrongful imprisonment,
defamation and slander, and intentional
infliction of emotional distress.
I want to say this
to the officers who responded.
They did. They did a fine job.
They did the right thing.
They called out the actual perpetrator
being loss prevention, ironically,
at Walmart, and then said something to
the family that I think is is important.
They said, listen,
I will write a report for you.
We can talk in the parking lot.
What does that report do?
It establishes that the police agree
with you that nothing wrong happened.
Stopping Walmart or anybody else
from being able to spend the store
in another fashion,
possibly giving them a significant
advantage when filing the lawsuit.
So big ups to the sheriffs who did that,
Sheriff's deputies who did that
and to the family.
Sorry you had to go through this,
especially with your children.
But holding them accountable, Walmart
accountable is going to make it better
for many, many more people in the future
who would have been discriminated against
if it had not been for your leadership.
Alright. Jackson thoughts?
Well, I mean, how fitting of Walmart.
You know, just a couple weeks ago they
was like, to hell with all this di mess.
It was like we, we done we
done working with black and brown
and female and gay vendors.
You know what I'm saying?
Like which is, I mean, it's a believable
move, but such an unnecessary one.
All in all.
But, yeah,
this this is not surprising whatsoever.
Hate that the family
had to go through this.
Just another day in America.
But yeah, very Walmart of being Walmart.
That's right.
I mean, the receipt was there.
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