Dec 9, 2024
WATCH: Trump Fanatic Tells Man To 'Go Back To China,' Flees In MAGA-Mobile
WATCH: Trump Fanatic Tells Man To 'Go Back To China,' Flees In MAGA-Mobile
- 7 minutes
Racist piece with a racist dog.
I'm racist.
You're telling me to go back to China?
I'm an American citizen in America,
not America.
Who are you?
- Get the out of here!
- No!
Get the out of here!
You're a piece of shit.
No! This man told me to go back to China.
Get out! Get out!
Are you doing? Come on.
We're wasting time. I'm sorry, sir.
Put up the picture for mass,
and I'm going to read the quote.
It says in the post. Let it be known.
Us conservatives
do not claim this loser racist.
He Doesn't represent us.
I got something
to say about that in a moment.
So. Trumper, middle aged man.
Go back to China.
Pretty, you know,
noncreative racism there.
This is my best friend and brother,
Jason, who I love dearly.
For those who have had the great pleasure
to meet him, you know, he is beyond kind
and giving to all those he encounters.
His loyalty is matched by no one.
If you know him, you also know then,
that he and his family
immigrated here legally from China through
the proper channels many years ago.
They started from the bottom.
They started from the bottom.
He is a US citizen, owns multiple
businesses, is true American.
Jason has supported me during times
of great need and always had my back.
He truly died
defending his friends and family.
Now I want to say this.
I am glad that the person
who posted this is having the back of his
friend, and I believe everything you said
about your friend.
I trust everything you
said about him is true.
I just want you to know.
Him being a US citizen or not does not
indicate his value as a good friend.
And I just want us
to stop playing their game, okay?
Where we feel as if we must validate
our existence and our value by these
categories that society and man makes.
He is valuable.
He is good because he is valuable
and good as your friend,
regardless of anything else
that may be true or untrue, stated or not.
Just the point. Quote.
While fueling up, this man repeatedly
told Jason, quote, go back to China.
And then Jason said, quote,
I'm an American.
You can hear this loser say,
you ain't an American.
This angers me.
I started shaking when I watched this.
Jason is more American than most of us.
He loves this country and became
a citizen the hard way, the legal way
he has truly contributed to our country
and community through his businesses.
He came from nothing
and created the American dream
for his family through hard work.
If anyone knows who this man is,
where he works, or maybe
where his van resides, please message me.
There is no place in society
for this trash quote.
While I lean conservative,
please note that just because he has Trump
painted on his van that does not represent
true conservative values is this 1%
of idiots that gives everyone a bad name?
I would love to have a chat
with this man face to face.
Any political comments will be deleted
as this is not about politics,
its about racism and hate in general.
But racism and hate permeates
inside of the politics before us.
And while you may say 1%, the stats
of Trump supporters who are like that
betray you, it's way more than 1%, sir.
They will proudly tell you it's more
than 1%. And while he he may not represent
your conservative values, you're
leaving out the elephant in the room.
No pun intended. And that is Trump.
You see, while you may call out
this racist bigot for what he said
against Jason, your friend,
the man that you probably support
as a conservative, Donald Trump would not.
That's the point.
Alright, Jackson thoughts here?
Yeah, that's I mean, when they say
stuff like, oh, it's not the majority,
it's just 1%. Like you're telling yourself
that that's what you're telling
to yourself because it's just not true.
I mean, again, like what?
Just like I said in the last segment,
all right wing outlets talk about
is die anti die.
There's too much critical race theory
because we can't have kids learning
about the truth about America.
It's just got to be exceptional.
We don't want them learning
about how it actually works.
Too many too many immigrants
send them all home.
They're eating people's pets.
They're eating their dogs and cats.
Mexicans are rapists and killers.
I suppose some of them are good people.
For the last ten years
that has been Donald Trump.
But that.
But but that's not the majority of y'all.
Well, if it's not,
y'all was sure cool with it.
You cool with that.
And then if you bring that up
they'll say stuff like, oh, well, I don't
think he's actually going to do any
of the things he said he's going to do.
And once you vote for him for, then
why do you support him if you don't think
he's going to do anything that he says?
I mean, that that doesn't really
make a lot of sense, does it?
No, of course, of course.
Again, just pretending
like this is not an issue.
I bring this up on the I think
maybe on the last show, Ruby Bridges,
who was the first black girl to,
integrate schools in this country.
My dad is older than she is.
This stuff just happened.
Just because you see these things
in black and white doesn't mean it's new.
This country killed Martin Luther King
because of what he stood for,
and that just happened.
And now after, you know,
I could give people a pass in 2016, but we
just put a man who tried to overthrow
the United States government back into
the white House because he's a white man.
I mean, that's why he's there
at the end of the day.
What what did he offer to the working
class besides tariffs and racism?
Nothing at all.
But but no, we couldn't we couldn't
have no competent black woman in there
because all the Democrats, they just
they just fail the working class.
But Republicans raise the retirement age
and don't want you to have nothing,
you know?
So again, like ever since I've been
having a really difficult time
continuing on in this space because these
conversations can be such a waste of time.
Like, stop pretending
like you don't see what you see.
What do you mean, 1%?
Stop telling yourself that
because everybody else knows what's up.
That's right, that's right.
And and it provides a complexity
in the argument, doesn't it,
that even those that seemingly may have
some independent thinking about themselves
would still subscribe to ideology that is
adapted from a Sean Hannity talking point,
and it makes the conversation complex,
but it also is
why the conversation is required.
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