Sep 4, 2024
Jesse Watters Has A Weird Thing With Straws
This isn't the first time Fox News' Jesse Watters criticized a male politician for using a straw.
- 7 minutes
Women love masculinity
and women do not love Tim Walz.
So that should just tell you
about how masculine Tim Walz is.
The other day you saw him with a vanilla
ice cream shake, had a straw in it.
- Again, that tells you everything.
- What?
- You know what?
- How are you supposed to drink a shake?
You just dump it into your face, I think.
But you know that he's had this obsession.
Hold on, hold on. I have about.
- Straws.
- Yeah, I do know that.
In fact, let's go to J3.
No, let's go to the next video J2.
He talks about straws all the time.
He's obsessed with straws.
He's a weirdo. Let's watch.
On Monday, I covered Joe Biden's
Thanksgiving trip to Nantucket.
He polar plunged at a little Black
Friday shopping with Hunter, and he called
one of our correspondents stupid.
And we're willing to look past
that little outburst.
But some things we just can't
let slide Joe Biden used a straw.
There's an
there's a straw incident in his past.
We may never know what it is,
but something happened.
Hurt you okay. Which straw hurt you?
Jesse Watters. There's another one.
There's another example. Let's watch.
I'm sure Trump would agree
that wasn't a good look.
He's better than that.
Oh, no, he's not better. No. He's gay.
He's gay
because we saw him with the straw.
Sorry, Jesse. It's done.
- He's a gay man.
- No, no, he's.
Like, distaste for straws is so intense
that he's even willing to have,
like, a nonpartisan,
like, criticism like Trump does.
It got to be criticized? Biden?
Does it got to be criticized? Walt?
Does it not masculine got
to be criticized.
What is up with that?
That whole straw thing I.
I don't like I could speculate he's he's
a, he's a young boy and he's
wearing his boat shoes or whatever.
And he's drinking out of a straw and some
mean girl called him queer or something,
and that was it for the rest of his life.
- Now it's his crusade.
- Okay, I am a woman, I enjoy masculinity.
I have also seen very masculine men
drink a shake through a straw,
and it did not even occur to me for
a second that this guy is not masculine
because he's drinking through a straw.
Like who has this weird
obsession with straws?
And why is drinking through a straw
considered not masculine enough?
I don't think that it.
I don't think that it means
that you're gay.
But I like, I think most men,
if I see a man drinking through a straw,
I immediately picture a penis,
even if it's not being drunk.
If I see a straw, I picture a penis.
I think most men just picture
penises constantly, right.
So we're very worried about, you know,
being seen in proximity to them.
All of us alphas,
you know, it's just dude stuff.
What? What is wrong with all of these men?
- He's got.
- A weird fixation with mouths. 100%.
Okay, because it's not only about straws,
it's also about the way men eat soup.
Let's watch.
Oh my God.
And as you've heard me say,
it's not just straws, Jimmy.
Soup is another problem area.
Men shouldn't eat soup in public.
Again, you're pursing your lips
in anticipation.
You lean your head out,
trying not to spill it.
Come on. It's like a balancing act.
Soup isn't even filling.
Sometimes you have to blow on it.
If it's too hot, it's too hot.
If it's not, you can have soup in private.
Or you can have a stew,
a nice hearty stew.
And then there's this
French onion soup situation.
Have you guys seen this?
Guys are out there dipping the spoon in.
And you have cheese like this.
Like above.
You and guys are going in like this,
trying to bite and then twirling it
in there with their tongues.
It's ridiculous.
Okay, I. Thought that was
a super masculine rant.
- He went on.
- Yeah.
Look, I think I thought he was
very masculine, but then he mimed Le gay.
He's a gay man.
I saw his tongue in public.
Do that in private. Like a real man.
Every real man has built
a closet in his house.
And there's a little chair in there,
and you sit there with your soup.
And finally, you can be yourself
in your little soup closet.
But you don't do it in public,
no matter how much you want to.
You don't do it, Jesse. You don't.
Your little soup closet.
That's where you can be yourself.
And all the weight off your shoulders.
All the weight. Finally.
What was it about women
not liking Tim Walz?
Does he know how much Trump is losing
the women vote to Harris?
- They don't seem to like Trump very much.
- I know, I know, it's so amazing.
Oh, and I'm sure women just oh my God,
JD Vance, they can't help themselves.
- Could it be that.
- Maybe, just maybe, female voters are
voting based, like based on
which politicians might, you know, like,
improve their lives and their freedom
to make decisions about their own bodies.
- Could it be?
- I don't think he's going to accept that.
- Yeah.
- Maybe not.
Maybe it's, you know,
how they use a straw.
Whether they use a straw,
how they eat their soup, whether they're
willing to do it privately or out in
the open publicly like absolute animals.
I don't think that women
can think rationally like that.
I think that men are very logical.
You know, they're just thinking about
the nuts and bolts of straws and soups.
I think that's what they're not emotional.
This is not knee jerk stuff, by the way.
I love this strategy though. Are we?
We might be.
I think it's a I would not
generally consider him
to be a particularly brave person.
There's not anything particularly
traditionally masculine about him,
but it is interesting that the one man war
he's been waging is on the straws, sure,
but he was more interested in the soup
he is badmouthing eating soup to a Fox
News audience that is, on average 98 years
old and probably loves soup even more
than Donald Trump does at this point.
Does he differentiate
between soup and stew.
Chili. Is that okay?
Yeah. It's chili.
Sometimes you got
to blow on the spoon of chili.
- If it's.
- Too hot, it's certainly.
- Filling.
- Chili.
- Free your.
- Mind.
- Free your.
- Mind.
Chili seems like
a very masculine thing to eat.
No. Yeah.
- What the hell is wrong?
- Beans and meat.
What is. What soup has he been fed like?
I feel like you know how, like,
his mom will call up and be like.
Jessie, you got to stop being an a hole.
She doesn't say that exactly,
but that's the undercurrent.
I feel like he's insulting her soup
because, you know,
he's not making soup for himself.
He doesn't look like a cooking man. Right.
So where did he had all this bad soup?
I just want to know,
like where the straw hurt him.
Like, I just.
Want one of his childhood friends
to tell us about the straw.
He could also just be trolling.
Like, I don't know.
No, no, no.
He's definitely exaggerating it.
But why has he chosen this?
To exaggerate.
So I'm not going to dock him points
for the entirety of that insane rant.
But the origin of it,
he deserves to be attacked for the.
- Oranges of it.
- Also the oranges.
- Tim Apple.
- The beautiful oranges.
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