Sep 4, 2024
Morning Joe Panel WHINES About Journalists Who Criticize Kamala Harris
A MSNBC Morning Joe panel argued that objectively reporting on Donald Trump and Kamala Harris will help Trump win.
- 13 minutes
But there's a false equivalency going on
in the coverage of this race.
Their objectivity actually
is not objective at all.
It ends up playing to Donald
Trump's advantage every day in an.
Effort to to appear balanced,
to appear objective.
Mistakes are absolutely being made
and standards are being applied
to both candidates here.
When Donald Trump is a different animal,
he is an insurrectionist.
Well, the crew over at Morning Joe
on MSNBC, you know,
the same crew that wanted Biden to
continue running in this presidential race
despite the fact that he was suffering
from clear cognitive decline?
Those people, they're furious that
journalists would have the audacity
of ever reporting anything negative
on the Democratic nominee, Kamala Harris,
because Trump is a he's a special threat.
And so since they've decided
that Trump is a very special threat, well,
then journalists should hide information
about Kamala Harris from you
so you don't vote for Trump
and definitely vote for Kamala Harris.
In other words, in other words,
they want the media to manipulate you
and do the exact opposite of journalism.
Don't believe me?
Well, why don't we hear co-host
Mike Barnicle make his case?
There's a false equivalency going on
in the coverage of this race,
in that Donald Trump can say
whatever crazy things he wants to say
about submarines and sharks and electric
batteries, whatever he wants to say.
And it's not really covered in the sense
that it's covered describing who said it,
why he said it, and who the man is.
Trump out of his mind and always
in that story, in the equivalency, the
false equivalency by too many reporters
and too many American newspapers.
There's also, by the way, Kamala Harris
changed your mind on fracking.
They always throw in something
like that in coverage of the story.
It's ridiculous.
We don't cover the man
for how dangerous he is.
Hey, don't scroll away.
Come back, come back.
Because before the video continues,
we just want to urge you
to lend your support to TYT.
You power our honest reporting.
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and we love you for it.
You don't cover the man for how
dangerous he is I don't know, I don't know
what country I'm living in, but I feel
like we get wall to wall coverage about
Trump being a danger to this country.
It is incessant.
It is all they talk about on MSNBC.
Did he just suggest that journalists
shouldn't report on Kamala Harris
changing her mind on fracking?
Is that not an important policy
that voters should be informed about?
And also, is he under the impression
that telling Americans the truth about
where Kamala Harris stands on the issues
automatically means that Donald Trump
is going to win the election.
I just see this is when I started
my career, when I started working
at TYT back in 2007,
there really wasn't like left wing media.
There was like Fox News
and the right wing media infrastructure
was kind of being built, and I prided
myself and the left wing on the fact that
we didn't try to manipulate audiences,
and we didn't try to lie to people
or cover up the truth about our preferred
candidates or preferred politicians.
We didn't want to stoop low
and do what the right wing was doing
with their misinformation, with the fact
that they would omit incredibly relevant,
important parts of the story
in order to make Republicans look good
and Democrats look bad.
And now we're in this awful era
of conditioning audiences and readers
to expect journalists to cheerlead
like Partizan hacks
for one candidate or the other.
And if you don't do it, if you don't
engage in it, they get mad at you.
You're supposed to be.
You're supposed to be my cheerleader.
You're supposed to cheerlead
for my preferred candidate.
What are you doing?
How dare you talk about Kamala Harris
and how she went
from being against fracking to now saying
she's totally in favor of fracking?
How dare you?
The media doesn't fearmonger
about Trump enough.
Has he considered that maybe, just maybe,
the media had been fear mongering
about Trump so much so often that
Americans have become desensitized to it?
Has he considered that?
Has he considered the fact
that Joe Biden ran his campaign almost
entirely on Donald Trump is a threat
to democracy, and it wasn't working?
Why do you think it wasn't working?
This is the most brain dead argument
I have heard on MSNBC, and that is
saying something because there are a lot
of brain dead arguments made on MSNBC.
But we're about to hear more.
So Joe Scarborough argues that journalists
who are trying to be objective
actually end up helping Trump.
So maybe don't be objective. Let's watch.
Even Arlington, you've seen
major newspaper outlets talk about,
well, how will this impact Kamala Harris
and the issue of Afghanistan
after he goes and does.
A thumbs up and and pictures?
Well, and just just acts like a brute and
and you know Desecrates Arlington.
That's not a time to say.
Well, how does it you know, it's but again
we see it time and time again for some
reason the mainstream media how what are
we nine years in to Donald Trump's era,
and American politics still doesn't know
how to cover Donald Trump.
Their objectivity actually
is not objective at all.
It ends up playing
to Donald Trump's advantage.
Don't be objective because it plays
to Donald Trump's advantage.
Because journalists want to answer
a question about how Kamala Harris
would handle Afghanistan.
Would her views
on Afghanistan happen to be?
Do the American voters have the right
to know where Kamala Harris stands
on those issues, or should we be kept
in the dark because Trump bad, Trump bad.
That's what Joe Scarborough wants.
He wants journalists to line up and say
in unison over and over again, Trump bad
because that's been real effective, right?
Listen, he wants
to be a cheerleader for one side.
That's great.
Go be a cheerleader for one side.
But don't sit there on your boring ass
morning show where you tried to gaslight
the American public about Biden's
mental health and and pass judgment on
people who are trying to get Kamala Harris
to answer questions on something
amazing policy where she stands on policy
because there are voters out there,
believe it or not, who aren't Partizan
hacks, those are the individuals
who actually end up deciding elections.
And they want to know
where Kamala Harris stands on policy.
Simply hearing Trump bad over
and over again doesn't work for them.
I think the American people
deserve to know
where both candidates stand on policies.
Don't insult the intelligence of voters.
And more importantly,
please don't pressure journalists
to suck at their jobs by being nothing
more than Partizan hacks like Joe
Scarborough is like Mika Brzezinski is.
It is unbelievable to me. So look.
Turns out that some are taking
this crappy advice already as left
wing misinformation, unfortunately,
is now part of our media landscape.
And it's not something that I'm
happy about because a lot of these sources
I used to trust, I used
to believe their reporting at face value.
And then I came to the realization
that they weren't telling the whole truth.
They were admitting parts of the story.
They were, in some cases,
taking Trump out of context.
And it was infuriating because if you
put Trump in context and you actually
report the story accurately, I'm not going
to suddenly be a huge Trump fan,
but I am going to get angry when I find
out that the sources that I trusted were
intentionally taking him out of context
to make him seem worse than he really is.
So there was a piece out in the New
York Times today that I think you should
all read, and it was titled left
wing misinformation is having a moment.
America's right flank remains
the chief purveyor of misinformation,
but this summer's political tumult
created ideal conditions for falsehoods
to spread among progressives.
So let's just quickly focus
on the Trump assassination attempt,
where Joy Reid, an MSNBC host with more
than 340,000 followers on threads,
raised questions about Trump's injury
from the shooting,
doubts that some of her followers
interpreted when his medical details
were not released as implying a coverup.
Then you also had that Brooklyn dad,
defiant guy on X,
who has more than 1.3 million followers.
He amplified such suspicions by offering
his own doubts about Trump's injury.
Yet the FBI confirmed
that Trump got shot in the ear.
Okay, like it's confirmed by the FBI.
Like, who are we really?
We're going to play this game
where we engage in conspiracy theories
like on one hand, criticize the right wing
for engaging in conspiracy theories
as we engage in conspiracy theories.
I think it's pretty gross.
But as a result, more than one third
of President Biden's supporters
believe the assassination attempt
may have been staged, according
to a poll in July by Morning Consult.
There's other stuff, and like,
I hesitate to even bring this up
because people are hell bent
on being scared about project 2025.
But let me just be clear about something.
There are all sorts of allegations about
the Heritage Foundation's document, which
again, they release every election cycle.
This is the first time we have the
Democratic Party specifically tying it to
Donald Trump, because some of the people
associated with the Heritage Foundation
used to be in Trump's administration.
Okay. Does that mean that Trump is.
You think Trump respects anyone
who was in his administration?
But okay, let's talk about
the specific allegations that we've
heard about what's in project 2025,
which is a 900 page document.
The media knows that most Americans,
they don't have the bandwidth to sit down
and read a 900 page document, so they get
to say whatever they want about it.
They get they get to claim
that it includes all sorts of things
that it doesn't even actually say.
So for instance, Vice President Harris
said on July 23rd that project 2025
called for cutting Social Security.
It was not a one time mistake.
She also said at a July 11th,
2024 campaign event.
Project 2025 includes a plan
to cut Social Security.
Well, Newsguard, which does a pretty
good job in fact checking
these types of claims on both sides.
Took a look and they found out that
the project 2025 policy playbook titled
mandate for Leadership The Conservative
Promise, does not even mention
any proposed changes to Social Security.
Okay, great.
Left leaning news outlet
advance the myth that project 2025
proposes banning Muslims.
The mandate for leadership
includes no mention of a muslim ban or any
religion or ethnicity specific entry ban.
I'm not saying this to help Trump.
I think Trump is plenty bad on his own,
and there are factual attacks
that you could use against Donald Trump
to win the election,
making things up to scare Americans
into voting for the Democratic candidate.
All it does is lead to people feeling
totally like disgusted with politics,
because people eventually find out
and people are getting sick
of the fear tactics.
And what's amazing to me is
that the people over there at Morning Joe
desperately want journalists
to engage in more scare tactics,
to lie to audiences more,
to lie to readers more,
to essentially do political cheerleading
for one party over the other,
and whether it's done on behalf of the
Republican Party or the Democratic Party.
I'm sick of it.
You need real journalism, factual
journalism, actual reporting, in order
to have a well-functioning democracy.
Without it, we are hopeless.
And so hopefully journalists
don't listen to knuckleheads like Joe
Scarborough and that other guy, barnacle,
whatever his name is.
I mean, just we don't like Trump.
So we want you to lie on behalf
of Kamala Harris or Biden or whoever.
I mean, they've been outed as liars.
Have they considered
that maybe journalists
don't want to embarrass themselves
the way the crew over at Morning Joe has?
- They should think about it.
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The Young Turks: September 4, 2024
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