Sep 25, 2024
Delusional Biden STILL Thinks He Would Have Beat Trump
President Joe Biden still believes he was on course to beat former president Donald Trump in the 2024 election.
- 16 minutes
And Mr. President,
do you think have you stayed in the race?
- Would you have won?
- Yes.
I, I was confident I would beat Trump.
Joe Biden's delusional.
That's it. That's the whole story.
Just totally delusional.
And it makes me wonder
how aware he is of his surroundings
and what's currently happening
in the country and around the world.
Now, he made clear today, while appearing
on The View, that, he genuinely thought
that if he remained in the race,
he would beat Donald Trump despite all
of the evidence to the contrary.
We're going to show you
the evidence in just a second.
But before we do, let's get to what he had
to say about Pelosi pushing him out.
We all agree at this table
is very selfless of you
to pass the baton and step aside.
There was a perception that perhaps your
hand was forced and some pointed fingers
to Speaker Nancy Pelosi,
who you have a long relationship with
and accomplished many things with.
Did you feel that your hand was forced?
And what is your relationship
with Speaker Pelosi now?
Our relationship is fine. Look, I.
I never fully believed the assertions
that somehow there was this overwhelming
reluctance of my running again.
I didn't sense that.
And although the polling as I said,
Biden's polling was different.
The fact of the matter is,
my polling was about, you know, we were
always within range of beating this guy.
And but what I did was I think
there were I it makes sense.
There were some folks
who would like to see me step aside
so they have a chance to to move on.
I get that. That's just human nature.
Hey, don't scroll away.
Come back, come back.
Because before the video continues,
we just want to urge you
to lend your support to tight u power.
Our honest reporting.
You do it at
and we love you for it.
You were going to lose the election.
How do you How do you not know that?
How are you not accepting
that he was going to lose the election?
Okay, let's just get to the evidence.
So in less than four weeks
after the debate, Trump widened his lead
over Biden in three Rust Belt states
that were crucial to Biden's reelection.
So that's what you're
looking at right now.
By July 21st, Trump was up four points
in Wisconsin, five points in Pennsylvania
and five points in Michigan.
Biden also lost support
in other swing states where he had already
been trailing by 4 to 5 points.
So take a look at this.
By July 21st, Trump was up six points
in North Carolina and up seven in Arizona,
Georgia and Nevada.
National polling after the debate
also had Trump in the lead.
I mean, we covered all of this,
you know, much to the chagrin of some
of the audience members who were like,
you're being too mean to Biden.
Okay. Go ahead.
Yeah, we're being mean to Biden
by telling you what the polls are saying.
Like, you either want to live in reality
or you want to live in la la land.
Okay, where where everything
that you want magically happens.
The world doesn't work that way.
So in July, New York Times
and Siena College poll showed Trump
building a six percentage point lead
49% to 43% over Biden.
The Wall Street Journal poll showed Trump
with a six point lead over Biden,
compared to a two point lead in a survey
that the Journal carried out in February.
So he was already trailing Trump, which
was a problem because the Democrat needs
to win nationally by at least five points
in order to win the Electoral College.
So it was bad to begin with.
And poll after poll,
John kept saying by Democratic voters,
by the way, Biden is too old.
We want anyone else,
literally anyone else.
He's too old.
Yeah, but how many cast members
of The View were included in that polling?
I don't give a damn
about the cast members of The View.
The cast members of The View aren't
actually curious or interested
in what's happening in the country.
Constantly share how knowledgeable they
are about important issues
that they opine on on a regular basis.
Like, I'm not interested in the view.
What I am interested in is understanding
if Biden is that delusional right now, who
is making the decisions in this country?
Is he aware of what's happening
in Gaza or Lebanon?
Not a lot of evidence
or the West Bank know.
The first woman was Alyssa Farah Griffin.
Yes, I think it was.
It was a good question.
I mean, look, they could have
just not asked about it at all.
It could have been a total puff piece.
But she brought up a contentious thing.
Were you pushed out?
What's your relationship
with Nancy Pelosi?
I think that's good.
If you have Biden there.
It wasn't just like, oh, you're the best.
You're amazing.
Thank you for everything you've done.
I thought that was good.
I don't know that him saying it there
proves that he's delusional
because him saying it there
doesn't prove that he believes it.
I think he almost has to say it
whether he believes it or not.
He believes it, I do.
I agree, I believe that he believes it.
And that's that's crazy.
That's crazy.
Look, if he had stayed in,
it is possible that things
could have tightened up a little bit.
A couple of points
he would probably still be trailing.
Even in that case, it's possible things
could have gotten even worse
following the two assassination attempts
or the, you know, the one real one,
the one fake one, but not fake.
I mean, like an attempt of an attempt.
I'm not saying it was fake.
So no, he's like, I don't know
why people I don't know why people
can't accept evidence like,
if it doesn't comport with what they want.
And for him to believe that, remember,
there was so much pushback when we
were encouraging him to drop out when.
He was replaced by Kamala Harris.
And Republicans and Trump supporters
were furious about it.
Was Biden under the impression
that Republicans were furious on his
behalf because they care about Biden
so much and they genuinely felt
like he had been wronged.
Or could it be that they much prefer Biden
to run against Donald Trump?
Because Biden did.
Actually, to be fair to Biden,
he did manage to do the impossible.
You want to know what the impossible was?
He managed to make Donald Trump
look like the less childish,
childish one on that debate stage,
when Biden brought up golfing and, like,
did this weird like competitive thing
about golfing, and it was
Trump of all people, telling him,
let's not act like children here.
Well, Trump also talked a lot about golf,
which I think is important
because in some swing states,
I think that's one of the top three things
people want to hear about
is their comparative punting game.
But so you got to get to that
at least a little bit.
Listen, I just,
I Biden you destroyed your own legacy.
Okay. In a number of ways.
Number one, by being as delusional
as you are about this current election.
But also number two, by humiliating this
country with what you're doing in Israel,
allowing Israel to call the shots.
Come to our country, by the way,
and essentially trash Americans
who are protesting what Netanyahu is doing
in Gaza and the West Bank and Lebanon,
and also demand that American taxpayers
continue giving up their resources
for Israel's atrocities.
Yeah. Okay.
Out of that list occasionally.
Iran as well.
So the thing about what he
said there is he.
What he's saying makes him sound like
delusional or whatever, but also the way
he's saying it is, is just a reminder
that he needed to drop out.
He couldn't even give you the delusional
take at a pace that people want to follow.
It was it was slow and it was halting,
and it was a reminder
of all the issues that he has.
I personally,
I don't I don't care too much.
He dropped out.
He dropped out
is the most important thing.
Him still claiming he could have won is
so like, sure, grandpa,
you would have won or whatever.
It's it's. I'm glad that he dropped out.
That's the most important thing.
We were proven 100% right.
Have gotten no credit for it whatsoever.
Never will.
Not just us.
I mean the people encouraging him.
And so that's the most important thing.
But you are right
to tie it to other things.
If he's that delusional,
is it just about this one thing?
No, I don't think I don't think
it's just about this one thing.
And that is very concerning.
So let's move on to the rest of this
discussion, because during this appearance
on The View, he decided to explain
his decision to run for a second term.
He says, you know,
it's because I'm just such a badass.
I was just so successful the first time.
Let's watch.
What have these past two months felt like?
And are you at peace with your decision?
Well, I am at peace with my decision.
Look, when I ran for the first this for my
this last term, I said that I was
I saw myself as a transition president.
to a new generation of leadership.
Now I know I only look 40,
but I but I'm 180 years old.
I've been around forever and but what
happened was we were having so many, so
much success in getting things done that
people thought we couldn't get done right.
I found myself having used more time
than I would have ordinarily
to, you know, pass that torch.
What did you get done?
- What did you get done?
- He'd say the IRA.
That's what he was saying.
Oh, oh, that's what he would say.
I'm not saying it.
That's what he would say.
Federal government grants to corporations.
Okay, great.
That's what he would say.
Awesome. Cool.
What else?
Judges, like 200 judges.
I guess that's something.
Okay. That's fine.
- I'm playing.
- Devil's advocate.
That's it. I'm not saying like.
Whoa. Yeah, I'm not saying that.
Biden's legacy
is what he has done in the Middle East.
Biden's legacy
is what he has done in Gaza.
Biden's legacy is
what he has done in enabling okay,
a government run by Benjamin Netanyahu
to carry out death and destruction
in the Middle East
and potentially drag the United States
into a hot war in the Middle East,
not just with Hezbollah,
not just with Hamas, but with Iran.
Okay. That is Biden's legacy.
Biden's legacy is taking
hundreds of billions of dollars
in American taxpayer money,
funneling it to Ukraine
while simultaneously discouraging them
in the beginning of the war from engaging
in peace negotiations with Russia,
which would have probably been better
for Ukraine at the end of the day.
But hey, the U.S.
Really wants to weaken
Russia's military capabilities.
Great way to do that
is to drag out the war, right?
I just I know, I'm sorry,
but like, you've done nothing
that has genuinely and substantively
improved the lives of Americans.
Okay. Housing market is still trash.
Inflation was basically a big issue
throughout his presidency
and has just finally started
to slow down high interest rates.
Another mainstay of his administration,
he wants to brag
about everything he's gotten done.
What have you gotten done, bro? Seriously?
I mean, look, if he had tried to somehow
unilaterally lower the interest rates,
we would attack it.
That's not what the president
is supposed to be doing.
Obviously, you're supposed to be
influencing things in other ways.
And, and also, I think on the inflation,
like he, he was president for four years,
he is responsible for it.
The weird thing about Trump specifically
laying it at his doorstep is if, like,
the big thing that contributed to
inflation is that we pumped all this money
into the economy during the pandemic
to keep businesses afloat,
keep things going and everything.
A significant chunk of that
was passed under Donald Trump.
Nobody nobody remembers that.
Well, you remember it.
Nobody talks about the fact that, like,
half of it was a Republican spending.
So whatever inflation comes from that
is baked in before Joe Biden comes in.
But anyway, I'm not I'm not interested
in pleading the case for him anymore.
When you want a little bit more time
to get stuff done, that's fine,
but don't pitch it as I need
a little bit more time to pass the torch.
You're saying you want four more years?
After those four more years,
you're not passing the torch.
You constitutionally
can't hold the torch anymore.
So you put it down,
someone else picks it up.
I just you're not involved
in the passing at all at that point.
I feel like I'm losing my mind because
everyone forgets everything immediately.
I remember what happened
with the infrastructure bill.
I remember when, you know, the bribed
politicians wanted to separate separate
the, you know, physical infrastructure
provisions from the social provisions and
the social provisions were things like,
you know, providing financial assistance
to people who are taking care
of elderly family members.
Paid family leave,
the extension of the child tax credit.
You know, the corporate owned
politicians didn't like those things.
And so they demanded that Biden
green light the separation
of those provisions from
the physical infrastructure provisions.
Now, why do the corporate owned
like the physical infrastructure?
Well, because improving
physical infrastructure obviously,
obviously benefits corporations.
They need the infrastructure
in order to do business.
But also there are corporations
that will benefit from government grants
that will be funneled to them in order
to carry out infrastructure projects.
What about the provisions
about privatizing public land,
public infrastructure,
turning regular roads that we already
paid for through our taxes into toll roads
that workers will now have to pay for
in order to get to and from work.
What about those provisions?
Wow, Biden, you got a lot done.
You got a lot done.
I am so sick of looking
at these two parties, both of which screw
us over again and again and again.
But we're supposed to cheerlead for the
Democrats because they present themselves
as the decent ones, the kind ones, right?
While simultaneously aiding
and abetting the slaughter of Muslims
and Arabs in the Middle East.
Okay. Yeah.
Not buying it.
Finally, let's go to the last video.
I don't know,
something kind of creepy happens.
On your age, by the way.
The number gives me vertigo.
Yes it does.
- I am, I am your age.
- No woman close to me is as old as I am.
- None.
- I'm telling you.
- Right now.
- They are in miss.
And Mister President.
Whatever. That's fine.
And I don't begrudge the ladies
of the view for loving Biden.
Right. Because they're good.
The issues that we all deal with day in
and day out, they don't have to deal with.
They're affluent. They're doing well.
There's probably a black car that picks
them up, takes them to and from work.
They don't have to deal
with the crap we have to deal with.
We don't have to deal with.
They don't have to deal with the
consequences of a lot of these policies
that end up funneling our money
to these corporations that are already not
having to pay the same taxes we pay.
All right.
And basically benefiting from everything
that the middle class workers
in this country pay for.
Like, I'm so sick of it.
So of course they love Biden.
And of course they're happy to engage
in this BS two party system.
Where the Democrats basically engage
in very similar pro-corporate activity
to the detriment of ordinary Americans
and their workers and the workers.
I just they live in a different universe,
and these are the people
who are informing American voters.
A lot of them. Yeah.
I mean, look, they've been following
Joe Biden for 40 years or something.
They obviously they've many of them have
probably known, like personally known
Joe Biden for a significant chunk of that.
- Did they like the bankruptcy bill?
- Did they love the bankruptcy bill?
So maybe harder for ordinary Americans
to file for bankruptcy?
They've been wealthy for a long time.
Maybe they do, I don't know.
But honestly, what you just saw
in the video, that's what Joe Biden should
be doing for the next five or so years.
He should be hanging out
with people like on The View.
He shouldn't be in power.
He shouldn't be responsible
for this stuff.
He should go off and bump for heads
with Joy Behar or whatever.
That's what his retirement
should be, I think.
I suggest they do it off air.
No one wants to see that.
All right. I bet the audience loved it.
Yeah, the audience loved it.
But, I mean, they're watching The View
and they're getting their information
from The View
as they're being robbed by our government,
taking their tax money and funneling it to
Israel, corporations, all sorts of things
that actually do not benefit their lives.
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