Nov 20, 2024
Nancy Mace Goes On DISGUSTING Tirade Against Transwoman Elected To Congress
Rep. Nancy Mace is going on a public tirade of misgendering and berating Rep.-elect Sarah McBride, who is a transwoman.
- 17 minutes
I just want to add that the congresswoman
elect does identify as a woman.
I will be she's not a woman. It's a man.
She was born a man. She's a man.
She is biologically a male.
That is science.
That was Republican Congresswoman
Nancy Mace,
who has been going on transphobic tirades
against a woman who just got elected.
Congresswoman elect Sarah McBride.
And that was during an interview
with Scripps News today, by the way.
So McBride recently won her bid
to represent Delaware against her
Republican opponent, John Whalen.
And as a result, she will be the first
openly transgender person
to be elected to a congressional seat.
Now, here she is speaking about her win
on Election Day or after Election Day.
How are you feeling today?
Well, I am feeling filled with gratitude.
I'm filled with gratitude to all of
the Delawareans who turned out and voted
yesterday and in the days preceding,
regardless of how they voted.
And I'm feeling grateful
to have this opportunity
to serve the state I love in the United
States House of Representatives.
I think this win is a testament
to Delawareans that here in our state of
neighbors, we are judging candidates based
on their ideas and not their identities.
On a personal level,
what does this mean to you?
Well, I know how much this win
would have meant to me as a young person,
as I faced a crisis of hope
and wondered whether the heart of
this nation was big enough to love me too.
And I hope this win sends a message
to young people across the country that
our democracy is big enough for them, too.
So Nancy Mace decided
to exploit McBride's identity
to, like, carry out some of the grossest
political stunts I've seen in recent days.
Okay, so she introduced a resolution
to prevent trans women from using
the women's restroom on capitol grounds.
Can we just bring up
that interview again as B-roll?
Because I want I just want you guys
to look at Congresswoman elect McBride
and tell me how it makes sense
for her to go into the men's restroom
when she needs to go to the restroom.
How does that make any sense?
And why are we talking about this still?
Oh, like I don't.
Look, maybe if you're male and you don't
know what the women's bathroom is like,
we don't have urinals there.
No one's whipping out anything, and we're
in stalls, like, what is the problem?
Like, what is the problem
with letting them.
Letting people use
the restroom they identify with?
Like I that this issue just boggles my
mind, John, because, look, I think there
are some issues and I've talked about it
on the show much to my own detriment,
because people will paint you
as like a transphobe when you're like, I
don't know, maybe like there's some issues
where the rights of women conflicts
with the rights of transgender people.
How can we balance both
where both people are feeling heard?
Right. But this isn't one of those issues.
Like, I don't think any woman
is genuinely concerned that there's going
to be a problem with a transgender woman
using the restroom they identify with.
But what do you think, John?
Well, I think any reasonable person
would also be, utterly bewildered
by Nancy Mace's grotesque, opportunistic,
performative obsession with this.
That's true.
But anybody who's been paying attention
to American politics
understands exactly why she's doing this.
Now, it might be that her brain is exactly
as broken as she's implying that it is,
that she actually is freaking out
about the possibility of Sarah McBride
being in a bathroom or whatever.
I'm going to extend an olive branch to
Nancy Mace and say, I don't believe that.
She's as pathetic
as she's implying she is.
I think she's just as dishonest
as she is being right now.
She is going to do this,
and you'll get into the numbers
of how many times she's posted about this.
She's posted more about this
than I have tweeted in six months,
because what possible ramifications
will there be for her in a negative sense?
Her profile is being raised
every hour that she focuses on this.
There are people on the right
that love this, that want trans people
to be demonized, not just on the extremes
of the issue, but on literally anything,
the smallest possible thing.
And she's getting something out of this.
She's getting interviews
and she's getting donor money.
Maybe she'll get a book deal,
she'll be brought on Fox News.
It's it's performative vice signaling
with a profit motive.
It's so gross.
And she's I mean,
think about how awful this is.
Like she's targeting
a very specific person who's going to have
to work alongside her in Congress.
Like it's just so wrong
and so gross and so dehumanizing.
So the resolution that mace called for
would ban members, officers
and employees of the US House from using
single sex facilities other than those
corresponding to their biological sex.
Mae said that the resolution,
which she wants incorporated into the
House rules package for the next Congress,
is absolutely in response
to McBride's imminent arrival.
And so, yeah, let me just give you
how pathetic she is
in like, hyper focusing on this right now.
So mace has been on the warpath
on this ever since Monday of this week.
And according to Ron Filipkowski
Thirsty Nancy Mace has now made 83 posts
in the last 22 Two hours less than a day.
Less than a day. 83 posts about
the women's bathroom in the car told me.
- It's now over 200, actually.
- Oh my God.
Oh my God. That is insane.
Because. So look, this is what they are.
This is why I get so frustrated with the
way people talk about identity politics.
What is this? What is this?
Other than a hyper focus
on the specific identity of one person
in place of any other work that you
could be doing for your constituents?
She literally crafted legislation.
She got together her aides in a meeting
room, and they sat down and hashed it out.
And that's the first thing
that she wants to get done.
And bear in mind,
it is specifically Sarah McBride
that she's trying to target with this.
But of course, Sarah McBride is not the
only person that will be affected by it.
There could be other representatives
if we're lucky enough to not
have her be the first and only ever.
People who work in Congress, some of
whom might not even be known to be trans,
theoretically could be swept up in this.
And of course, the right
when talking about trans people seem
to only acknowledge the existence
of trans women like Sarah McBride.
But of course, they're trans men as well.
Meaning that now, with this new rule,
you could have a trans man
who looks utterly indistinguishable
to anyone who sees him as a man,
someone born as a man
who will now be forced to use women's
bathrooms thanks to this.
- I'm sorry.
- It'll be fun for Nancy Mace.
That's a that's a really good point, John.
And, I mean, it cuts both ways, right?
Because McBride being forced
to use the men's room would be strange.
No, because McBride
does not present as a male.
So I just. That will be very strange.
Yeah, it's this is look,
this is an issue that Republicans were
harping on in like 2016
and it like did not persuade people
because people know how bathrooms work and
people didn't really see this as a threat,
allowing trans people to use the restrooms
they identify with, which is
why they kept trying to find, you know,
something associated with the transgender
community that like the edge cases
that would rile people up.
This isn't this isn't an edge case.
This isn't like a crazy thing to,
be considerate about, to allow people to
use the bathrooms that they identify with.
And so, I want to give you an update,
John, because you mentioned that,
you know, the number of times
that Nancy Mace has posted about this
has actually increased to over 200.
The exact number
at this point in time, 262 times.
And, she's not stopping
with posts on social media.
She's also talking about it publicly
on news shows.
Let's take a look.
It's a man.
She was born a man. She's a man.
She is biologically a male.
That is science.
You guys on the left and the mainstream
media want to say follow the science.
Let's follow the science. Okay?
He is a man. He can wear a dress.
He can call himself.
His pronouns can be she or her, but he
doesn't belong in a women's restroom.
Are you suggesting that the representative
elect McBride poses some kind of danger
to you and other women?
Absolutely, absolutely. 100%.
This is an assault on women.
A man being a biological man,
a man with a penis and male genitalia.
Being in a women's locker room
is an assault on women.
And so the question is,
do I have rights as a woman or not?
And I'm not going to allow the media
or Congress to strip away women's rights
for one half of 1% of people out there
that more than likely he's
got a mental mental illness,
and this is why he's doing this.
He should not be forcing his private parts
into women's private spaces.
I'm absolutely a no Hard pass on this.
I'm going to fight it
every step of the way.
I just want to understand what Nancy
Mace's behavior is in the women's room.
Like, is she taking her shirt off
and, like, jiggling them
in front of other women's faces?
Like, is that what happens in bathrooms?
Like, is that what she's
genuinely concerned about?
That McBride is going to, you know,
be nude walking around
in the women's room, like, by the way.
I mean, what she just suggested there
was that the incoming congresswoman
is some sort of sexual predator.
- How is it okay to imply that?
- And insane.
I mean, personally, I would say
every everything I've said.
I don't know, Sarah McBride.
I don't even really know
Sarah McBride's politics.
But everything I've seen of Sarah McBride
seems like the most rational,
level headed, compassionate person ever.
Whereas I just saw that video
of Nancy Mace.
And, you know, since we're going to be
diagnosing people without knowing,
I think she is an effing mental illness
because she seems out of her goddamn mind.
She seems like a raving lunatic.
Honestly, I think she's a danger to women,
biological or otherwise,
who happen to unfortunately
be stuck in a bathroom with her.
And I think they should be worried.
I think she should be banned.
I think they should build a bathroom
specifically for Nancy Mace
to protect everyone else from her lunacy,
but also so that she'll finally feel safe,
because even just being around people
who've never hurt her in any way
drives her absolutely insane.
Well, she does have some support from,
Marjorie Taylor Greene,
because of course she does.
She told ABC news I'm sorry, NBC news,
that Mace's legislation,
or what she's proposing with
this resolution does not go far enough.
She also suggested that she'd get
into a physical altercation with McBride
if she uses the women's restroom.
You know, it is interesting because
while discussing the alleged threat
that McBride poses in the women's room,
you have Marjorie Greene
implying that she will carry out
acts of violence against McBride.
Which leads me to think that maybe
Marjorie Taylor Greene is more of a threat
than McBride is way more of a threat.
And I want to look.
I can't imagine dealing with this kind of
dehumanizing garbage from people I'm going
to have to deal with and work with.
But to her credit,
McBride has been incredible
in the face of this disgusting hatred.
She says everyday Americans go
to work with people who have life journeys
different than their own
and engage with them respectfully.
I hope members of Congress
can muster that same kindness.
She also posted this.
I know it's really depressing
and devastating.
By the way, I want to be clear
about one other thing.
Part of the reason why politicians
like Nancy Mace engage in this is in order
to, like, avoid actually doing their jobs
as lawmakers, as legislators.
It's a way of getting out there, improving
your name recognition, even as you're
saying disgusting, dehumanizing things.
But what does Nancy Mace doing
for the people of her district?
What is she doing
to make their lives better?
This is all about Nancy Mace.
This isn't about her constituents.
This isn't about doing what's right
for the American people.
I want to go to Sarah
McBride's other statement.
She posted this as well.
I'm not here to fight about bathrooms.
I'm here to fight for Delawareans
and to bring down costs facing families.
Like all members, I will follow the rules
as outlined by Speaker Johnson,
even if I disagree with them.
This effort to distract from
the real issues facing this country hasn't
distracted me over the last several days,
as I've remained hard at work preparing to
represent the greatest state in the Union.
Come January,
serving in the 119th Congress
will be the honor of a lifetime, and you
guys can read the rest for yourselves.
But overall, I thought that was a smart,
strong statement,
especially with the disgusting Discussing
hatred that's directed to her
and whether they like it or not.
McBride was elected,
and she will serve something that
even House Speaker Johnson attested to.
He first wrote this
but hold because there's a twist.
We welcome all new members
with open arms who are duly elected
representatives of the people.
I believe it's a command we treat
all persons with dignity and respect.
This is an issue that Congress
has never had to address before.
We're going to do that in a deliberate
fashion with member consensus on it,
and we will accommodate the needs
of every single person.
But later, it was made clear
that unfortunately, Johnson was going
to go along with Macy's wishes.
Let's go to the last graphic here.
He writes.
Or it was reported that the speaker says
all single sex facilities
in the Capitol and house office buildings
such as restrooms,
changing rooms and locker rooms,
are reserved for individuals
of that biological sex.
It is important to note that each member
office has its own private restroom,
and unisex restrooms are available
throughout the capital.
Look, I want to be specific in noting
that I do not have a problem at all with
transgender people using the restrooms,
the bathrooms that they identify with.
The other single sex facilities,
like locker rooms,
I think does get a little tricky.
But with that in mind,
I think Johnson, caving to the wishes
of Nancy Mace here was wrong,
especially with mace going on national
television and engaging in all sorts
of dehumanizing rhetoric about her own
colleague or colleague that she's going
to have to work with very, very soon.
So I'm not surprised.
I guess he's a Republican at the end
of the day, and he's going to carry out
the wishes of Republicans
within Congress or within the House.
But I feel bad that McBride
has to deal with this.
I hope she stays strong
and knows that she has plenty of people
who do support her and see her humanity,
even when others don't.
Yeah. My final point.
So first of all, buckle up
because it's not like Nancy Mace is going
to all of a sudden grow a heart tomorrow
after getting what she wants,
she is going to look for opportunities
to continue to attack McBride and others.
And Marjorie Greene,
desperate to appear in the media as much
as mace is going to be competing with her
to find ways that they can attack her.
And as you rightly point out,
yes, it is a stand in for them
actually doing their job.
They don't want to. They're both wealthy.
Everybody needs to remember.
Marjorie Greene has like $20 million.
She's an incredibly wealthy person.
I mean, you hear her speak, you look
at her try to write sentences, and you'd
question how she'd ever get to that point.
But she does have money.
But it isn't just standing in
for doing their jobs.
They both know that the only way
they can have prominent roles
in the Republican Party is by backstabbing
women at every opportunity,
and continually to continuing
to trade women's rights
for access and proximity to power.
And so they know that they know deep down
that they are traitors
to their own gender, and that's got
to deeply bother them in some way.
And so they look for opportunities like
this to be able to hold up a flag and be
like, no, this is about women's rights.
Look at me.
Nancy Mace even literally said,
I'm not going to let Congress
take away women's rights,
except for all of the other times they do.
And, you know, rolling back reproductive
rights and maybe getting rid of no
fault divorce and maybe getting rid of
birth control and maybe a whole bunch
of other things like that,
she will willingly allow those rights
to be taken away, and then she'll take
opportunities like this to pretend that
she's some sort of champion for women.
Yep. It's such a good point.
That's such a good point.
The taking rights away from women
while posturing as protectors
of women's rights is right.
Like you hit the nail on the head.
Such a good point.
Political pick me BS is what it is.
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