Nov 20, 2024
Will Trump REWARD Teamsters With Labor Secretary Pick?
Pro-labor, Republican Rep. Lori Chavez-DeRemer may earn President-elect Donald Trump's nomination nod for Labor secretary.
- 8 minutes
Mr. President, any reaction
to the Teamsters decision not to endorse?
No. They were. It's a great honor.
They're not going
to endorse the Democrats.
That's a big thing.
And this is the first time in, I guess,
50, 60 years that that's happened.
Democrats automatically
have the Teamsters.
They took a vote,
and I guess I was at 60% or more.
And that's a great honor.
I mean, it's really I've had
a lot of Teamsters work for me.
A lot of the concrete trucks they built,
all these buildings that you see
in New York City, the Teamsters.
Well, back in September,
Donald Trump stated it was an honor,
an absolute honor that the Teamsters
broke their long tradition of endorsing
the Democratic candidate for president
and instead chose not to endorse anyone
in the 2024 presidential race.
And now the president elect could reward
the Teamsters by essentially choosing
a labor secretary that Teamsters President
Sean O'Brien favors.
Now, I want to be clear.
No promises have been made.
But if this works out in the way
that Sean O'Brien is hoping for,
I think that this story is a case study,
a lesson in political maneuvering,
and what you can do to win, even in
the face of a Republican administration.
So with that in mind,
O'Brien is in talks with Trump about
appointing former Republican Congresswoman
Lori Chavez, Deremer from Oregon.
So although she's a Republican,
she was one of only three
GOP congresspeople in three people in her
party overall to co-sponsor the Pro act,
which would increase penalties
for violating workers rights.
It would also prohibit captive audience
meetings, and it would also facilitate
initial collective bargaining agreements.
And she's very pro-labor.
Okay, this isn't like a one time thing
she did to appear a little more moderate.
She has a long history of supporting
unions, supporting workers and labor.
And so I'm kind of excited
to see how this plays out.
So she also stood alone
as the only Republican to vote against
the small business before bureaucrats act.
And that would have increased the amount
of revenue necessary for the NLRB to even
get involved in a labor dispute by ten.
Okay, so I love the fact
that she voted against that.
And her father was actually a teamster.
So maybe that's where she feels
some commitment to union workers.
And she's courted union
support in the past.
She also co-sponsored bills supported
by pilot and flight attendant unions
and railroad unions,
as well as a bill to allow workers
to receive tax deductions for union dues.
And she has written or signed
onto several letters Supporting unions
in their negotiations,
urging the Port of Portland to end
restrictions on picketing at the Portland
airport and asking for increased funding
for the National Labor Relations Board.
Now, she has been criticized as well.
I think the criticism is not that great
considering, you know, all the wins that
she has piled up in regard to, you know,
not just talking the talk,
but walking the walk when it comes
to protecting labor and wanting to have,
you know, more safeguards to protect
workers from, you know, union busting
and other exploitative activities.
So Oregon Capital Chronicle writes
that when her fellow Republicans on
the health, employment, Labor and Pensions
Committee subcommittee held a series of
union bashing meetings over the past year,
she actually didn't show up and join
Democrats or Democratic representatives
in speaking up for unions.
But here are what the meetings
were about specifically.
So one of them was titled NLRB
overreach Trampling on Workers Rights
and Fostering Unfairness.
Another was big labor lies
exposing union tactics
to undermine free and fair elections.
And another was titled Protecting Workers
and Small Businesses from Biden's attack
on worker free choice and Economic Growth.
So she didn't go to these hearings,
but I'm less worried about that.
I'm way more worried about how she votes
and what kind of bills she co-sponsored.
And when it comes to the issue of labor,
she's actually been really good
in the bills that she's co-sponsored
and the votes that she has taken.
The fact that she was one
of only three Republicans
who voted in favor of the Pro act, I think
shows that she's serious about wanting
to increase labor rights in this country.
And so now let's go back to Sean O'Brien
and the whole political debacle that
ensued following his decision to speak
at the Republican National Convention,
he was given a prime time speaking role
on the first night
of the Republican National Convention, and
his speech, in my opinion, was fantastic.
I found it to be fantastic.
Then I still find it fantastic.
People were really upset
because you're not supposed to celebrate
anything that happens
at the Republican National Convention.
I do not subscribe to that,
and I especially don't subscribe to that
now that I consider myself unaligned
with either political party.
Okay, Democrats talk a lot of stuff about
how they're going to look out for workers,
but I'm kind of tired of all
the deal making that actually goes on
with financial institutions
and other corporations.
You know, on behalf of their,
you know, donors.
But if you see something good happening
on the right, why not celebrate it?
I thought that speech was great.
And it's not like Sean O'Brien
was standing there saying glowing things
about the Republican Party.
He was talking about corporate greed.
He was spreading a message
in a typically hostile environment
about things that American voters,
generally speaking, need to hear.
And if they've already heard it,
feel relieved to hear on such a big stage,
on such a big night.
And so he got a lot of hate for that.
He also got a lot of hate after
the Teamsters refused to endorse either
candidate in this presidential election.
But I think that the leadership
of the union made that decision
after noticing that the majority of
the actual workers, the actual Teamsters,
supported Donald Trump over Kamala Harris.
So I don't know.
I don't know how I would feel if, let's
say it's the 2016 presidential election.
Let's say I'm in a union and the union
leadership decides to endorse
Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders.
I mean, I can't imagine
that ever happening.
But imagine if that happened
and the majority of the actual workers
who have joined the union
overwhelmingly support Bernie Sanders.
Like, I'd be pretty upset to see
the endorsement for Hillary Clinton.
So just something to consider
when it comes to the rationale behind not
endorsing a presidential candidate.
But look,
Donald Trump is very transactional.
And so favor for a favor, he seems to be
in favor of that kind of, treatment
or that kind of method of doing things.
And so O'Brien refusing to endorse
Kamala Harris or Donald Trump,
just not endorsing either, candidate,
could actually give him some leverage here
in ensuring that someone
who's far more, you know,
far more in favor of protecting labor gets
that secretary seat or secretary role.
And so we don't know yet.
I just want to say that this is something
that is developing, and there is
some likelihood that someone who, yes,
is a Republican, but, is in favor
of protecting workers could get that role.
And if that happens,
that could mean that some of
this political maneuvering was successful.
And sometimes, guys, political maneuvering
is more important than purity,
if you catch my drift.
We got to be smarter.
We got to be scrappier.
We got to stop being
so goddamn judgmental, okay?
If we find other ways of winning,
other ways of protecting workers,
which should be our number one priority,
we should go for it.
And I hope Sean O'Brien
gets what he wants.
He's gotten a lot of hate,
but if he actually gets a pro-labor
secretary in that position under the Trump
administration, that would be a major win.
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