Oct 2, 2024
Olivia Nuzzi, RFK Jr. Affair Scandal Just Got A Whole Lot Worse
Political reporter Olivia Nuzzi filed a protection order against her ex-fiancé Ryan Lizza after she alleges he blackmailed her.
- 9 minutes
The plot has thickened in the ongoing saga
of political journalist Olivia Nuzzi
and the aftermath of her digital affair
with the unhinged former
presidential candidate JFK Jr. Now,
you may recall that Nuzi was engaged
to a writer for Politico.
His name is Ryan Lizza.
When news broke of her affair, well, now
she's actually accusing him, who's now,
by the way, her ex-fiance of blackmail and
harassment in a new civil protection order
that she filed against him.
So the protection order was filed
in Washington, D.C.
Superior Court Magistrate
Judge Robert Holdom basically granted
a temporary protection order
that lasts through October 15th.
And then on October 15th, they're going to
have another hearing, and I guess they'll
decide how to proceed moving forward.
So what exactly is Olivia Nuzzi
alleging about Ryan Lizza
in her petition filed in D.C.
Superior Court, Nazi accused Lizza
of threatening to make public
personal information about me
to destroy my life, career and reputation,
a threat he has since carried out.
She also alleged that Lizza
stole a personal device from her.
I'm going to assume that it's her phone.
Threaten to share the materials
from the device with the media.
But if true, this is not good behavior.
Like, look, I'm going
to bring you in right now, John.
Yeah. I don't I don't know.
I don't know about you.
Like Christian and I like 1,000,000%
respect each other's privacy.
Because if homeboy is cheating
or if I'm cheating,
eventually we're going to find out.
But for me, like the psycho behavior
of checking someone's phone
or, like, snooping around and invading
their privacy is just not a good sign
of a healthy relationship.
I don't you definitely don't steal
your partner's phone.
I think it's stupid because they'll notice
that they don't have it anymore
and they'll know that you stole it.
Instead, you just copy all the data
off of it, and then you have that backup.
You can give that to the journalist,
maybe Ken Klippenstein, I don't know.
And he's banned on Twitter.
It may not be the best investment,
but no, I'm kidding.
No, all every part
of this story is terrible.
I haven't honestly really
even been following the story
because it just makes me so uncomfortable.
Every part of it.
I don't know any of these people.
RFK Jr was a gym once when I was there,
but aside from that, I don't know
any of the parties in this story.
I don't have a dog in the fight,
I don't know, are they good people?
Are they bad?
Like, did he steal it because he's
the sort of person who does that?
Or was he so angry that he found out
they had this relationship,
that he was like, well,
at least I'll make a story out of it.
I don't, I don't know,
both are bad, by the way,
but they're different sorts of bad.
I just, I feel bad for like not
necessarily everyone.
I don't feel bad for RFK Jr
about much these days, but I don't know.
I just it's a really
uncomfortable Situation.
It probably doesn't help for any of them
that anything that happens
in this is going
to automatically become public knowledge.
And so the whole thing
is just super uncomfortable.
So look, good on you
for being better than me and not feeling
drawn to a story like this.
I don't, I don't care, I'll admit it.
I'm drawn to the story.
And I'll also admit something else
is probably going to be very unpopular.
I don't know why, but for some reason,
out of everyone involved,
like, I'm kind of rooting for Nutsy
because I feel like, I don't know,
there's a lot that's happened
that I like, don't like RFK Jr. S allies
going to the New York Post and trashing
her and saying that she's like,
oh, she was chasing him with porn.
And like, I don't believe any of that.
And by the way, this story will
clarify some of the reasons
why I don't believe any of that.
But look, what she did was wrong.
I've admitted that.
Okay, if you're having a personal
relationship with a presidential Candidate
that you're profiling, by the way,
and reporting on that is unethical.
I 1,000,000% agree with that criticism,
but I do not agree with,
like, demonizing her and trying to, like,
destroy the rest of her life.
That's ridiculous.
By the way, she also alleged
in that court filing that Ryan Lizza
impersonated an anonymous campaign
operative and allegedly contacted
a political campaign with Hot Goss.
He didn't say that.
She didn't say that meant
to destroy his career.
I added the hot goss, but, like, you know,
basically the information to try to
destroy her career in the last few months,
it is my understanding
that he began hacking my devices for the
purpose of stalking and surveilling me,
and to collect materials that could
be used as blackmail to intimidate me
back into a relationship with Lizza.
She also alleges that Lizza threatened
her with physical violence
to force her into assuming his share
of financial responsibility
to a joint contract with a book publisher.
Nuzi and Lizza were collaborating
on a highly anticipated book
on the 2020 presidential campaign.
Their publisher paused the project
in December of 2021.
Okay, I think there's a really
important lesson to learn from this.
If you work in media, do not, under any
circumstance date someone else in media.
Like it's such a bad idea.
Don't get engaged.
Don't do like business ventures.
Don't write a book.
I mean, you could write a book
with someone else who's in the media,
but it shouldn't be your your fiance.
Like, you get what I'm saying? Like.
Like your personal life
should be different from your work life.
It should be a break from your work life.
Like how this is actually
a blessing in disguise, John.
It really is. Because.
Can you imagine the devastating existence
of having to come home
to your journalist husband?
I don't want to come home to a journalist
husband or a politician husband.
I want to come home to someone
who's not involved in any of that stuff.
I need a break. I need a break.
I love Anna like John.
Can you imagine the unique hell
of being married to a journalist?
I guess I can. Yeah.
By the way, also, my wife is in media.
Hold on.
But she's not. She's not like.
It's different.
She does like, entertainment stuff.
What? I mean, John.
No, but you're.
Describing her experience
of being married to me.
No, you're totally missing it.
When two parties are in the same industry.
That's what I'm trying to say in the exact
when they're doing the same work.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Look, I do agree with you that
that it's maybe a blessing in disguise.
Not necessarily the same blessing
that you're saying.
I imagine that assuming their relationship
was what I assume most relationships are,
which is until it all fell apart.
It was good, although there was
the cheating, so maybe maybe it wasn't.
It's got to be at least devastating
for one of the two.
Probably both of the two.
But that said, in terms of career stuff,
I mean, I think we all understand
how the modern world works.
They're all made in the shade off of this.
They can launch Substacks and they can
write a book and they can do a podcast.
And the fact that all of this happened
like, yeah, maybe it makes it
more difficult for them to theoretically
have some traditional jobs,
but they'll probably end up
getting paid eight times as much in
whatever independent venture they set up.
Again, that doesn't mean that, you know,
they're not experiencing,
you know, emotional or psychological
distress right now, but it'll
almost certainly financially pay off.
Wait. Hold on, I. Okay.
Their names have never been bigger
as a result of this scandal.
They're all over the place.
- Yeah, true, but.
- That's how it works.
I think this could potentially
be devastating for Nazis.
Political, journalism.
Here we are. Yes, we are.
In a misogynistic society, it's entirely
possible that she'll be harder hit by this
than he will coming out of it.
But her profile is raised And again,
maybe, you know,
some misogynistic workplace or whatever
doesn't want to hire her later.
But again, that doesn't stop her
from setting up a Substack
or writing a book or launching a podcast
or whatever independently.
And her profile is, again, much higher
than it was previous to this.
- I don't know, I could be wrong.
- I could be wrong.
Yeah. We'll see.
We'll see what happens. Now.
She hasn't been officially fired
from New York magazine.
She's on leave pending a third party
investigation into her reporting
to see if there was any, you know,
bad reporting as a result of her
relationship with RFK Jr. But I should
also note that Lizza denies all of this,
saying that he is saddened that my
ex-fiance would resort to making a series
of false accusations against me
in a way to divert attention from her
own personal and professional failings.
I emphatically deny these allegations,
and I will defend myself against them
vigorously and successfully.
All right.
We'll see how successful
you'll be in court.
So we'll see how this plays out.
But I just feel like someone like Olivia
Nuzzi, who was like one of the star, you
know, journalists at New York magazine,
it's probably not going to feel great
about just doing Substack.
I don't think there's anything wrong
with doing Substack.
I just launched my own.
But, you know, I mean, her,
she was on a klippenstein.
Yeah, I freed up.
Follow Ken's reporting over at Substack.
He's amazing.
I'm always going to be a fan of his work
because he does important work,
especially when it comes to the State
Department and foreign policy.
So check it out.
I'm a big fan of Substack and all the
independent journalists, not all of them,
but there are some wonderful
independent journalists over there.
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