Oct 23, 2024
Biden's Latest Gaffe Is A MAJOR Headache For Harris Campaign
The Donald Trump campaign is taking advantage of President Joe Biden's high-profile flub.
- 12 minutes
It's a guy who also wants
to replace every civil servant.
Every single one thinks he has a right
under the Supreme Court ruling on immunity
to be able, if need be,
if he if it was the case
to actually eliminate,
physically eliminate, shoot, kill someone
who is he believes to be a threat to him.
I mean, so I know this sounds bizarre.
It sounds like I said this five years ago.
You'd lock me up.
We got to lock him up.
Oh. Biden just accidentally suggested
that Trump should be locked up.
But he does, to his credit.
Try to clarify.
Let's see if he does a good job.
Take a look.
Political document.
Lock him out. That's what we have to do.
Okay, so he clarifies. It's clear.
He says politically. Lock him up.
Look, I don't think that what happened
there was a sign of his mental decline.
I mean, when you're speaking off the cuff,
sometimes you misspeak.
And then he immediately clarified,
so I don't want to be too hard on him
for that moment.
But it didn't work out in Kamala
Harris's favor because, of course,
the Trump campaign capitalized on it.
They used it to their advantage.
And I want to show you what I mean.
So the Trump War Room on Twitter posted,
Joe Biden just said
the quiet part out loud.
We got to lock President Trump up.
And, you know, if you've paid any
attention to Trump's campaigning,
what he's been doing is, of course,
making him out to be himself, out to be
a victim of lawfare, someone that the
Democratic Party wants to throw in prison.
And to be fair to Trump, there have
been prominent Democrats who have talked
about wanting to throw him in prison.
It's just that this particular campaign
event was not an example of it.
Now, Biden's fumble came
as he was speaking in New Hampshire
this week on Tuesday,
and now current and former administration
officials are basically trashing him.
Okay, so just pause
and absorb what I just said.
Current and former Biden administration
officials are now trashing him.
Like, okay, so Alex Thompson,
who's a reporter over at Axios, mentioned
that a former Biden official texted him
and said some pretty damn harsh stuff.
Okay, so noting this could be politically
unhelpful to Harris, a former Biden
administration official texted me, quote,
we got to lock up Joe, lock Joe up.
And then he followed that up
with someone who's currently
in the Biden administration.
A counterpoint from a current
Biden administration official.
For better or worse, no one is listening
to him anymore, and his words
have little power and less reach.
It's a blip.
Gone in any meaningful way
by midday tomorrow.
If it makes it that long.
Oh, okay. Okay.
That's also not a good thing to say
because remember, Joe Biden is currently
the president of the United States.
And when you put out a statement
about how no one listens to him, like no
one takes this guy seriously anyway.
Yeah, that doesn't really inspire
a lot of faith in in Americans
that the country is being led
by the person who got elected in 2020.
So I that was a stupid statement
to put out.
But they did it.
And it's a current Biden
administration official.
Now, to her credit, Harris isn't playing
into the lock him up chants.
Apparently, there was a recent campaign
stop where some of the rally goers
started chanting lock him up,
meaning lock trump up.
And here's what Kamala Harris said.
She stopped it and she says, hold on.
The courts are going
to handle that part of it.
We're going what we're going to do
is beat him in November.
And then the crowd went wild and cheered.
Now I want to talk a little bit
about something that's come out as
a result of Bob Woodward's latest book,
War, where he basically details
how Biden's behavior at donor events
all the way back to last summer.
The summer of 2023,
were concerning to the donors.
They were worried
about his mental fitness.
So a full year before,
the American people were aware of just how
bad Biden's mental decline was as a result
of that horrible debate performance.
You have the richest people
in this country, Democratic donors, fully
aware of how concerning his condition was.
How is that right?
I mean, think about that.
It would have been far better
for everyone to know the truth earlier.
It would have been far better for Biden
to not run for a second term
and to allow for a robust primary process.
So the best possible candidate
would be the Democratic nominee
running against Donald Trump.
We didn't get that opportunity,
and we didn't get that opportunity
because a lot of people provided cover
for Biden and lied on his behalf.
So let's go to some excerpts
from his book.
The first fundraiser hosted by Kevin
Scott, the chief technology officer
of Microsoft, at his home in Los Gatos
in June or on June of nine.
On June 19th, was attended by 38 guests,
including some of the most serious slash
wealthy Democratic donors in the valley.
The event raised $2.7 million
for Biden's reelection fund.
Guests, however, said that Biden was
frighteningly, frighteningly awful.
It was like your 87 year old senile
grandfather wandering around the room
saying to women guests,
your eyes are so beautiful.
A donor acknowledged he had probably
woken up very early, but appeared tired.
He could not wait to sit down
and only took two pre-arranged questions.
He carried a handful of note cards
with the answers printed out,
but even then seemed to wander off point.
But Biden was allegedly very energetic
at another event later that day.
I don't know what happened, but you know,
the people who were at that event
claimed that he seemed perfectly fine.
But then there were other troubling signs.
About a week later,
according to Bob Woodward's book War.
So there was another fundraiser
that took place on June 27th, 2023.
Guests described their
interactions with Biden as painful.
So Bill Risch Bloom, who's a co-founder
and president of Liberty's Journal
Foundation who attended the event,
said that he never completed a sentence.
He would start to talk about something,
jump somewhere else.
He told the same story three times
in exactly the same way,
and it meandered so much.
Frankly, my impression was
there were times
it was as though he that we didn't exist.
Geez, this is so bad.
He he was just rambling and talking
as to what came into his head.
Biden seemed to him
like an elderly grandparent or a parent
who talks and talks but makes no sense.
And so I want to know
why all the people who lied to us
in the press haven't been fired.
I'm being serious. I'm not kidding.
And I usually don't call for people
to be fired because I don't want
people's livelihoods to be in jeopardy.
But usually I'm talking about
normal people,
not incredibly wealthy individuals like
the hosts of Morning Joe who lied to us,
who in fact continued to lie to us even
after that horrible debate performance.
And if you don't know what I'm
talking about, why don't we take a look
at Mika Brzezinski from Morning Joe,
who immediately downplayed
Joe Biden's horrific campaign performance
debate performance?
Let's take a look.
President Biden let every fastball
hanging out over the plate
go right by for a strike for Donald Trump.
So that was an indication
that he was just not up to it last night.
Okay, okay, okay. Hold on a second.
That I agree with everything you said,
except for the last part of it.
Everybody calm down and I'll tell you why.
I mean, it's fine to not spin
what happened last night,
and we're not going to again.
By the way, he had a terrible night.
Mika. Everybody's calm here.
No, no, you're the only one
raising your voice.
Everybody is calm here.
But again, it's the,
Let's just immediately pull this.
Let's end this. Let's find someone else.
Yeah, yeah, they should have.
They should have immediately
found someone else.
And they found someone else.
Biden should have
immediately stepped down.
Look, I get it was his decision to make,
and there had to be a tremendous
amount of pressure for him to do that.
But it would take him a month
to finally make the correct decision.
And what he basically did is kneecap
his replacement candidate, because
that was another month of campaigning.
That was another month
that maybe there could have actually been,
you know, some sort of primary process
where voters would get to decide.
But here we are.
I mean, I mean, it's just so frustrating
that people still watch that show
and take these people seriously now.
Mika and Joe tried to provide cover
for Biden repeatedly.
That wasn't the only example.
Take another look.
By the way, it's very funny.
David Axelrod a couple of nights ago
was going through what?
When Joe Biden spoke on Sunday night,
he he cut a word off.
And David Axelrod, of course,
had to bring that up.
- And then got someone's name wrong and.
- Then got somebody's name wrong.
So, David, does David Axelrod
need to get off of I mean, this happens.
Media people keep going.
Oh, Joe Biden confused names.
Then they throw to somebody
and they confuse the name.
We know we do that.
But then he also in that news conference
talked about his.
How do people take them seriously at all.
But it's not just Mika and Joe.
I mean, Mika has got
a personal relationship with Joe Biden,
and she allowed that personal relationship
to get in the way of being honest
and truthful with her audience.
You know, it's interesting because I
know of an actual journalist who recently
was let go from a big publication,
New York Magazine, for having a personal
relationship that she didn't disclose.
And that personal relationship,
upon review of her work,
had no impact on her reporting.
Everything she reported
was accurate and truthful.
She got fired anyway.
Yes, I'm talking about Olivia Nuzzi.
She gets fired.
Mika Brzezinski
lied on behalf of her friend.
She's still employed. People trust her.
And if you trust her, man,
I've got a bridge to sell you.
Look amazing.
But they're not the only ones.
Here's Lawrence O'Donnell,
weighing in on Biden's mental health after
he gave a speech at a NATO conference.
Take a look.
What followed was nothing less than
the most masterful televised presidential
press conference about foreign policy.
There have been other presidential press
that have that have exhibited mastery
at different points by some presidents,
but on foreign policy,
complex foreign policy involving the
Middle East and the situation in Ukraine.
This is as good as it gets.
I just I can't I really can't like how how
do people watch this garbage total slop.
I mean, they lied to you.
They lied to all of us.
I mean, I knew they were lying
as they were doing it.
We covered these videos
and we were outraged by it.
But did they think they
were helping the Democrats?
They weren't helping the Democrats.
So utterly pathetic.
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Now Playing (Clips)
The Young Turks: October 23, 2024
Hosts: John IadarolaAna Kasparian
- 20 minutes
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- 12 minutes
- 12 minutes
- 9 minutes
- 7 minutes