Oct 23, 2024
Laura Loomer TRIGGERED Over THIS Bill Maher Joke
Laura Loomer is suing HBO's Bill Maher for saying that she might have slept with Donald Trump.
- 7 minutes
Republican colleagues or your allies
who are concerned about your
close relationship with Laura Loomer?
Well, I don't know what they would say.
Laura's been a supporter of mine,
just like a lot of people are supporters
and she's been a supporter of mine.
She speaks very positively
of the campaign.
I'm not sure why you asked that question,
but Laura is a supporter.
I don't control Laura.
Laura has to say what she wants.
She's a she's a free spirit.
Well, that free spirit
is now suing comedian Bill Maher over
a joke that he made about Laura Loomer
engaged in an affair with Donald Trump.
In fact, that lawsuit is for $150 million.
So she announced this on X this afternoon
saying that today I filed
a defamation lawsuit against Bill Maher,
Bill Maher and HBO for falsely
accusing me of having an affair
with President Donald Trump.
On a September 13th episode
of Ma's show Real Timers.
So Real Time with Bill Maher
is the name of the show, obviously.
Now let's pause for a second to remind
you of what Bill Maher actually said,
and it was not defamatory,
and I'll explain why in a second.
Now, Loomer had been
raising some eyebrows.
She was accompanying Trump to all sorts of
campaign events, and she was also pictured
kind of like cozying up to him.
Look, I don't know
what's going on with them.
And sure, of course people are going
to see pictures like that
and they're going to assume or they're
going to make jokes about how, oh, they're
probably, you know, doing the thing.
But she joined Trump
at the nine over 11 memorial event.
And the day before, she also traveled to
Philadelphia for the presidential debate
on board Trump's plane.
And then, there was all this talk
about the potential influence that Laura
Loomer might have over Donald Trump.
It's like, look.
Laura Loomer is kind of crazy.
Like she's insane.
So I don't think that it bodes well
for Trump to be seen at campaign events
with her, but, it did raise eyebrows.
People started talking.
So on September 13th during Real Time,
Bill Maher said this.
I think maybe Laura Loomer
is in an arranged relationship
to affect the election
because she's very close to Trump.
She's 31. Looks like his type.
We did an editorial here a few years ago.
It was basically, Who's Trump effing?
Because I said, you know, it's not nobody.
He's been a dog for too long
and it's not Melania.
I think he may have.
I think we may have our answer this week.
I think it might be Laura Loomer.
That's she's not going
to win this lawsuit.
No, no, because he's sharing an opinion.
Look, some people are saying like,
oh, it was a joke.
You don't even have to say it was a joke.
Even if he was being dead serious,
he's saying, I think.
And when you say,
I think you're sharing an opinion.
So that can't be considered
defamatory in court.
Defamation cases
are insanely difficult to win
because you have to prove actual malice.
And I don't think there's malice here.
I think he's sharing his opinion,
and he wasn't the only one
who shared that opinion.
So, John, what do you
what do you think about this?
No, she has absolutely
no chance whatsoever.
By the way, a million people made the
jokes like, good luck going up against it.
Look, I, I felt like I thought it
was fully enough to criticize the fact
that he would be willing to have
her anywhere near him or his campaign
at events, considering who she is.
She's an absolute whack job.
The only reason anyone knows you think.
- You think she's an absolute whack.
- Job?
I think she's a whack.
I'm being a little bit over the top,
The only reason anyone knows who she is
is because she has had a series of public
meltdowns, shouted racist things.
That's it.
That's the only reason
anyone knows who she is.
And Donald Trump is bringing
her around the country.
They're like, I cannot even create
a hypothetical of what would it be like
if Harris brought someone on our side?
There's literally no one
who is the equivalent of Laura Loomer
on our side, I don't think.
But regardless, even if there was,
they would never be
within a country mile of Harris.
So I was perfectly content
to just criticize all of that.
Now, is it weird that he's all of a sudden
brought this absolute cuckoo around with
him when his wife doesn't want to be seen
in the same state as him,
and in pictures, he's like holding her
around the waist in that way.
Yeah, I think the imagery there
is a little bit evocative.
I wasn't personally asserting that they
were engaged in carnal relations, but I
understand why some people would do that,
considering Donald Trump's very long
documented history of cheating on
literally every woman he's ever been with.
Carnal relations
is a good way of putting it.
I was trying to find the right term,
but that was it.
That was it just didn't come to mind.
Now, if you're unfamiliar with Laura
Loomer, I want to show you a quick video
so you get a sense of who she is.
I want to know what people
are actually going to do.
My life is ruined.
Does anybody understand
how ruined my life is?
I'm sick of it.
I don't want to listen to people tell me
that I'm a conspiracy theorist.
- They don't know what it's like to be me.
- My life is ruined.
Well, I mean, I don't share conspiracy
theories that have, like, no evidence
to back them up, but.
I mean, luckily,
she's run for public office a few times.
I mean, look, I don't know how many times
I know at least once in Florida and lost.
She ran for Congress
the year after that video.
She bounced back within a year
of public breakdown over.
I think it was like she was banned
from Twitter or something.
I don't know, something stupid.
She's like, I should represent
tens of thousands of people in Congress.
She's out.
She's completely out of her mind.
That's the bigger issue
than whether or not, you know,
they're doing the horizontal mambo
or whatever term you want, Sean.
You don't get sued.
- I don't care, it's gross, but.
- It doesn't always have to be horizontal.
It's illegal in some states.
Unless it is true.
Republicans have a lot of control,
and they're very interested
in people's sex life.
Okay. Perhaps at a slant.
- On your.
- Anniversary?
Maybe on a swing.
Yeah. There's lots of options.
- You know.
- A cord wrapped.
Around your neck
and tied to, you know, a doorknob maybe.
Some people are into that.
You know, it gives new meaning
to the word swing.
Voters. Think about it.
- Okay, don't think about it.
- Thanks for watching The Young Turks.
Really appreciate it.
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