Oct 23, 2024
Josh Hawley Reacts With JOY After Opponent's Gun Range Accident
Sen. Josh Hawley's opponent Lucas Kunce injured a reporter at a gun range.
- 9 minutes
There was a minor incident, if you want
to call it that, at a campaign event
for Missouri Senate candidate Lucas Coons,
who, you know, has an opponent who were
not favorable of his name is Josh Hawley.
So it really pains me that this happened.
And I think it was a terrible decision
to have a campaign event
at a, you know, shooting range.
Like, I get that you're trying
to present yourself as more of a moderate
in order to compete with Senator Josh
Hawley, but it ended up backfiring.
So Coons, a Democrat,
was holding the campaign event
at a shooting range with former U.S.
Representative Adam Kinzinger,
a disillusioned Republican
who's a Never Trump person.
And so Coons, a marine veteran
hoping to unseat U.S.
Senate Senator Josh Hawley, provided
first aid to K-s-h-b reporter Ryan Gamboa
after a bullet fragment ricocheted
off a target and struck him in the arm.
So the the news organization
basically reports that Gamboa's
injuries were minor, thankfully.
And he was released
from the hospital on Tuesday.
But I'm going to just pause before I get
to all the different statements
and the fact that Senator Hawley
is making fun of this, because I want
to know what you think, John.
Maybe I'm being unfair.
Look, I am not like a suit.
I'm not an anti-gun person. Right?
And I don't think there's anything wrong
with going to a shooting range.
I personally have a problem pandering
by going to a shooting range
as part of your campaign event.
I just think it's dumb,
and I don't know if that's going to win
over Republicans who are more poised
to vote for Josh Hawley.
And besides which,
this ended up backfiring pretty badly.
What do you think? Literally.
Oh, yeah. Good point.
I don't know, like,
I do think that it is pandering.
I don't know that if he he's
a former marine,
he goes to a shooting range or whatever.
That seems consistent with his life.
So for him, I think it's light pandering.
I think, you know, when, like a Ted Cruz
goes to a gun range and decides to make
bacon on an AR 15 in a way that has
nothing to do with his life, and he looks
like an utter goober trying to do it.
That's worse. Pandering.
So yes, I agree he is pandering.
I don't think that his is the most
considering he has a military background.
I don't need my candidates to be going
to a shooting range or whatever,
but I don't think it's the worst thing
I've seen politicians do worse recently.
You know, maybe a gun range is better
than a fast food restaurant, I don't know.
Well, look, I'll say I'll say, well,
I mean, yes, that was also pandering.
I totally get that.
And also trolling Kamala Harris.
And we're talking about the Trump visit
to McDonald's where he's pretending
to be a worker there.
But putting that aside, I think the thing
that annoys me about this is, oh,
I'm going to engage in like it's expected
that a Republican candidate
do the cheesy things that,
like Ted Cruz, has done, right.
Like you or the holiday family photo were
like the two year old is holding a pistol.
Like I get it
like it's a thing that they do.
You expect it.
But like, I just don't think Democrats
need to pander in the same way.
I think there's better ways
to to campaign.
But I don't know, maybe I'm
being a little too critical here.
So what did Coons say after the event?
He tried to make light of it
or downplay it, saying, great day.
Great day. Great, great day.
At the range today,
with my friend Adam Kinzinger,
we got to hang out with some union workers
while exercising our freedom.
Always have your first aid kit handy.
Shrapnel can always fly
when you hit a target like today,
and you've got to be ready to go.
We had our first aid kits, so we
were able to take care of the situation,
and I'm glad Ryan is okay
and was able to continue reporting.
What say you, John?
Was that a good, good statement,
a good day?
I mean, I think I think there's
like three types of days
that can happen at a gun range.
Nobody gets shot at all, okay?
You get hit with shrapnel or you get shot.
So it's at best a two
out of three, I think.
Yeah. No one got shot.
That's good, I suppose,
but I think you should be aiming
for nobody getting hit with anything
that flew out of a gun, I think.
I wouldn't making light of it or whatever.
I guess that's what he's going to do.
It doesn't seem like
the injury was serious.
Like shrapnel, you know,
touched him or whatever, but anyway.
Well, downplaying shrapnel,
hitting a journalist.
Not great. Right.
Making light of that? Not great.
What's also not great is the way
Josh Hawley made light of it.
Because he just decided
to clown Koontz, and I don't.
Look, I don't know if this is something
that appeals to his supporters.
It doesn't appeal to me.
Like, someone could
have really gotten hurt.
I'm glad that it wasn't a serious injury.
But he writes, I condemn all acts
of violence against reporters and call
on Koontz never to shoot another one.
And then he has the three laughing emojis
he follows that up with I know, I know,
the Koontz campaign needed a shot in the
arm, but this is taking it a little far.
And then finally he says, when liberals
play with guns, people get hurt.
Now Lucas Coons, a 13 year.
Marine, he served in the goddamn Marines,
you jackass.
So he had his own response
to Holly clowning him,
saying, this is the last time Josh Hawley
saw a gun and it's a still frame.
Well, he posted a GIF,
but what you're seeing is a still frame
of Josh Hawley on January 6th as the
Capitol rioters were there or breaking in.
And I want to show the video
that he was referencing in that tweet.
Let's take a look.
Just in case you haven't gotten
the message yet, I'm unafraid.
I am not backing down.
I'm not going to cower.
I'm not going to run from you.
I'm not going to bend the knee.
I'm not going to run from you.
I'm not going to run from you.
I mean, if they're going to be clowning
each other, that was pretty effective.
I will I will allow it, I will allow it.
And it seems to have gotten under
Josh Hawley's spokesperson's skin,
because Abigail Jackson posted a response
to it, saying, you just shot someone.
Yeah, but your guy also,
like, ran like a baby.
As the rioters were breaking into the
Capitol on January 6th and then proceeded
to pretend like it was no big deal, when
clearly he was terrified for his life.
He's running, like, down the halls,
afraid for his life.
So I just.
Look, I think the thing
that bothered me
about the whole gun range stunt is I just.
Guns aren't a toy.
Like, it's not a game. It's not a joke.
I'm not anti-gun, as you guys know,
but at the same time, I just wish we were
more serious about the fact that it is
a lethal weapon and it shouldn't be used
as like some sort of prop in a campaign.
I get that Republicans do it all the time,
and we criticize them when they do.
I don't think Democrats
should stoop to that level.
Like, what are you going to do
for your voters?
Like, what are you going to do
to appeal to them outside of these stunts?
I guess that's what kind of irritates
me about it, but I don't know.
I see is comparable to doing an event
where you play a sport
or something like fun.
Do that, do that.
But I would say it's it's similar to that
and someone could get injured in that too.
Like, yeah, I think it's very serious.
I'm saying Republicans would imply
that there is nothing inherently dangerous
or risky or scary at all
about going to a gun range.
It's the most normal thing in the world,
in which case it should be the most
normal thing to do on the campaign trail
in the world, according to them.
I think, again, it's not for me.
Also, by the way, like I think
Holly is an actual like a literal,
like cringey little cow, like the three
Elon Musk crying faces like,
oh dear god, dude, like you need
to have one of your kids tell you
what's acceptable to tweet or not.
But the joke, I guess ultimately is on us
because he's going to win.
The state is very biased, so he's
up by like eight points or something.
It's I mean, it's conservative.
So they're going
to go with the conservative.
He will win for having nothing
to do with him or his record or anything.
It's just baked into the disparity
in the state.
Yeah. True.
And you know, Koontz thought, well,
maybe I can win these voters over by
presenting myself as having the esthetics
that a conservative would have.
But I'm a Democrat
and I don't think that usually works.
So yeah, I think Holly's going to win too.
But let's stop with the gun range stunts.
Let's let's actually talk
about policy a little bit more.
Just a little bit more.
I think that would be better.
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The Young Turks: October 23, 2024
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